May 28 2023

How To Make Cajun Fried Scup

by Lauren Collins

I first created this recipe back in 2014 when Ryan and I were still dating.  It’s so memorable for me because this was the very first recipe I created for My Fishing Cape Cod.  Since then, I’ve made quite a few more recipes for the site, and as each recipe get’s shared, gems like this one get pushed to the back of the line.

Since we’re about to see an influx of scup in the waters off Cape Cod, I figured now would be the perfect time to reintroduce this easy and delicious recipe, so you can make it too!


One of the best ways to prepare a flakey white fish like scup is to fry it.  I like to do a pan fry, which uses less oil, and added cajun seasoning to the batter for a perfect hit of flavor.

I didn’t have a clue what scup/porgy even was until Ryan came home with one after a fishing trip last week.  What I learned is that scup is very tender and flakey, with a mild flavor.  That being said, you don’t have to use scup for this recipe.  Any mild, white fish will do.

I’m not a fan of fried anything, especially fish, but sometimes you just have to do a little pan fry for that yummy crispy texture. What was fabulous about this was that the finished scup wasn’t the slightest bit greasy – all I tasted was the fish instead of a bunch of batter.

Speaking of batter…here’s all you need:

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I love this brand of cajun creole:

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Once you dredge the scup in the egg wash, coat both sides with a mixture of what you see above, then pan fry it in just a little oil until both sides are browned.

Scup cooks quickly which makes this dinner a great option for busy nights.

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A little drizzle of fresh lemon juice was the perfect compliment for this scup recipe.

Serve the scup with roasted asparagus and a tomato, mozzarella and basil stack for the best summer dinner.  Rice pilaf and/or coleslaw would also be delicious with this.

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The Recipe

For about 2 pounds of scup filets, you’ll want to first start by laying out two medium sized bowls.  In one bowl, beat 2-3 eggs, and in the other, combine about 1 cup of flour with 3 TBS cajun seasoning.

Pat the fish filets dry with a paper towel, then place the fish into the flour bowl, coating both sides.  Transfer the fish to the egg bowl and be sure to cover the fish entirely with the egg wash.  Then transfer the fish back to the flour bowl for one final batter coating.  Repeat this with each filet.

Use a large heavy bottomed pan and set the heat to medium-high. 

Pour at least 1/4 cup of canola or grapeseed oil into the pan, or however much it takes to completely cover the bottom of the pan.

Before putting the fish into the pan to fry, do a quick oil test to be sure the oil is hot enough. 

Take a pinch of flour and sprinkle it into the oil.  If the flour sizzles, it’s ready.

Cook each side of the fish for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.  Transfer the fish to a paper towel before serving.

Pan frying scup is pretty easy, but it’s the dredging in flour, along with the creole seasoning that makes this simple recipe so special.

Please let me know if I can answer any questions for you. I would also love to hear about your own scup recipes, so please leave a comment below!

Happy Cooking 🍽

About the author 

Lauren Collins

Through the eyes of a fishermans' wife, I'm excited to share my cooking and photography with you here on MFCC. You can learn more about cooking, and get more recipes by visiting my website Creatively Delish.

  • Lauren,
    I’m sure to try this one with the scup! However, Ryan should of given
    tricks on how to fillet them, I tried once, it wasn’t easy!
    Thanks again!

    • Hey Mike,

      I’m excited you’re planning to try it! We really enjoyed that recipe. I just recently cooked up scup very simply with lemon juice and served it with a three bean salad as sort of a salsa for it, it was delicious! That recipe will be coming soon 🙂 Enjoy!


  • Brian – I bought it at Shaw’s, it is in the spice aisle.

    Lauren- I thought this might be a good recipe for bluefish, which I hadn’t tried in a long time and we caught this morning. It was really good, and I was pleasantly surprised about the bluefish too. Thanks!

    • Hey Jane! I’m not sure how I didn’t see these comments until now, but I like the idea to use it on the bluefish! Next time we get one I’ll have to try it 🙂

      Brian – hope you found it, I use that seasoning on everything from fish to scrambled eggs!

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