July 9 2013

3 Simple Steps to your 1st Cape Cod Tuna | Podcast #4



This past week my buddies Jason Mazzola and Andrew Massard hooked and landed a 400 pound giant bluefin tuna. By no means are we tuna experts, but we have logged in some serious time and effort over the years trying to figure out how to catch these impressive fish. Needless to say all that time and effort again paid off for my two buds this past Sunday.

But catching a Cape Cod giant tuna is not how we began tuna fishing. Much to the contrary, my learning started over 15 years ago when I had a bluefin tuna take a swipe at a bluefish I was reeling in, while fishing with my Dad in our 12 foot aluminum boat. I remember unsuccessfully casting at breaking tuna  a few years later when we upgraded to a 19 foot Carolina Skiff. We finally landed a 150 pounder, after a 5 hour battle on extremely light spinning tackle, the second year we had my current boat-a 21 foot Hydra Sport.

What I am trying to say is that for me, catching a tuna was a long time in the making. It certainly did not happen overnight. Many fish-less hours, days and months were required to generate that first bite. If you are looking for your first bluefin, then be ready to put your own time in paying your dues.

Cutting the Tuna Fishing Learning Curve

However I believe you can dramatically shorten the learning curve by implementing 3 simple steps into your Cape Cod tuna fishing approach.

These 3 steps are:

  1. Purchasing the simplest most economical gear possible
  2. Fishing an area with abundant tuna life
  3. Implementing an easy, super simple fishing technique

These 3 simple steps are exactly what we'll cover in this week's podcast. Listen in by clicking below - it should be fun!


After you're done listening, check out this past week's fishing reports, additional tuna fishing resources and NEW member resources by clicking below.

NEW Members' How To Video


This Past Week's Fishing Reports

july fourth weekend

a night

live eeling

Additional Tuna Fishing Resources

How to Catch Cape Cod Tuna within Sight of Shore

3 Sure-Fire Tips for your First Cape Cod Bluefin Tuna

Trolling Soft Plastics for Stellwagen Bank Tuna

Catching your First Cape Cod Bluefin Tuna

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