April 1 2022

New Striper Amendment Comment Deadline is April 15


According to the science, striped bass are being overfished, and if you are concerned about striper management moving forward, then now is the time to let your voice be heard.

The public comment deadline for Amendment 7 is April 15. This proposed amendment addresses many options concerning:

  • Rebuilding the striped bass stock
  • Options to reduce overfishing
  • Reducing recreational release mortality
  • And much more

*For a detailed explanation of Amendment 7 please watch this video and read this document.

Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass will likely have long-lasting effects on the species. The management board has made it clear that comments from anglers and the general public will be an important part of the decision-making process. 

The detailed options and legal language included in Amendment 7 can be difficult to read and understand. With that in mind, my letter to the management board is going to be simple and concise.

I personally feel that striped bass (along with many species of fish and animals) are under tremendous stress right now. Fishing pressure, development, environmental changes, technology, and many other factors are having detrimental impacts on striped bass and other species.

Therefore my recommendation and hope, is that the management board makes conservation of the species, and rebuilding the population, as their most important objectives. I am personally onboard with whatever measures are necessary to achieve those two goals as quickly as possible.

If you would like to make a comment on Amendment 7, then please send an email to [email protected]

I really appreciate you taking the time to read this blog post. Please be sure to email your comments before the April 15 deadline. As mentioned above, public comment will have influence in the management board's decision making process.

Tight lines! 🎣

  • Hey Ryan, I sent in my comments after watching the video. What would be the chance of sending out a reminder to everyone, and point out tha MYFCC is a pretty big group, and if a lot of people comment, it could have a serious impact? Maybe a phrase like “strongly urge” ? I would have posted something myself but I wasn’t sure as to where the best spot on MYFCC was. Fish are coming! Paul

    • Thanks for sending in your comments Paul, much appreciated! With regards to reminders, I have that covered. There’s been numerous posts already in our forum about this, and I have mentioned it on social media, in my email newsletter etc. On another note, you are correct that the fish are coming! I hope you have a productive spring!

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