May 18 2015

Surfcasting Buzzard’s Bay and Vineyard Sound


There were some nice fish caught this past weekend on Cape Cod. So far the largest fish I have heard of is a 42 inch striped bass from the Cape Cod Canal.

It seems to me that so far the action in the Canal has been pretty good. Same is true for those fishing Buzzard's Bay. Perhaps this season stripers are choosing the Canal for migration opposed to swimming around the outer Cape?

Of course this is just a theory and I would probably have to fly over Cape Cod in a plane to know for sure. Nevertheless, yesterday I decided to try intercepting some of these migrating bass, by surfcasting the boulder fields of Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound.


Flat Calm On Vineyard Sound

I arrived at my first Vineyard Sound location in the dark, but was soon granted with one of the nicest sunrises of the season. The flat calm surface of Vineyard Sound reflected the morning light like a mirror.

vineyard sound fishing report may 18

I could not of asked for more pleasant conditions!

I appreciated the lack of wind, because this boulder field can become unfishable when it's blowing 20+mph.​ Take into account the strong current and huge rocks, and this place can get downright scary.

45 minutes into fishing and I received my first real good WHACK​ from a passing striper. I was running my plug right next to a boulder when the fish came around the side and smashed the lure. It was a great hit but I failed to hookup.

A few minutes later I watched a small fish come hurdling at the surface in an aggressive attempt to suck down my plug. I hooked and landed the small schoolie, released him and decided to make a move in search of something larger.

​I packed up my gear, walked around the edge of a cliff, and was greeted by lots of moving water ripping in between car-size rocks.

vineyard sound surfcasting report may 18
surfcasting vineyard sound may 18

This is a prime example of an area where caution ought to be exercised. I take it real slow when I fish areas with a strong current. The last thing I want to happen, is to be swept away with the tide.

Successfully landing fish in a spot such as this one is pretty challenging too!

The boulder field was not loaded but it had a few fish. Landing this schoolie among the rocks and current was a big challenge and my braided line became quite frayed and torn as a result.​

vineyard sound surfcasting report stripers may 18

I can only imagine how difficult it would be to land a 50 pounder here! 

Miraculously I have communicated via email with a couple people who have actually caught fish that big here. What a thrill that must of been.​

Buzzard's Bay Boulder Fields

Around 6:30AM I decided to make a big move and fish the unforgiving coastline of Buzzard's Bay. I decided to check out a few spots that have produced well for me ever since I first explored these areas 12 years ago.

​I struck out at my first spot, despite a perfect tide and wonderful current. There were even birds working on bait close to shore, but no fish to be found.

The west wind had picked up by the time I arrived at the next location. I figured the wind and subsequent chop on the water might help get the fish to bite, but I also knew my casting distance would be diminished.

buzzards bay surfcasting report may 18

The nearly high tide was less than ideal for this location, because​ I was not able to wade out to the exposed rock reef, located 30 yards offshore. During low tide I like to fish from this rock reef, and cast into the nearby navigation channel where bass often hold.

Nevertheless I began casting and working my plug in the seams between the boulders. ​Just as my plug was about to bump into a Prius-size rock, a striper came from out of nowhere and smashed the plug right on the surface.

Despite it's small stature the bass managed to wrap me around a boulder before finally switching directions and coming towards shore. Successfully landing even small fish can be a difficult endeavor in this rocky terrain!​

buzzards bay fishing report may 18

I fished for a while longer, wading in and out of the boulders, generating random hits every now and again from schoolie stripers.

A curious waterfront homeowner, still in her pajamas watched me as I plugged away. I wonder if she knew her house was nicely positioned in front of such prime striped bass territory.

I decided to call it quits around 9AM. I did not catch any big fish but I had fun landing 3 schoolies and watching other fish smack my plug.

I made sure to pick up a few pieces of trash and beach litter on my walk back to the truck. All in all a great morning and I can't wait to try again somewhere on Cape Cod later this week!

MFCC members can click below to download 12 additional HD photos of the boulder fields I fished during this trip. You can also download a 2+ minute video recapping this surfcasting expedition and the techniques used.

I don't reveal the exact locations, but if you are familiar with Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay you may be able to figure out where I am. Tight lines!​

Member Downloads

An additional 12 HD photos
taken during this trip

2+ minute HD video recapping
this surfcasting expedition

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • Yep, gotta love them rocks. Picking up trash on the beach is the best way to o gain favor of the fish gods, not to mention homeowners. It’s the least us surf rats can do, thanks.!

  • Thanks for the report Ryan. I was wondering if that BB spot was any good yet. My brother and I had a ton of fun there last may and early June. We were mostly getting schollies but double digit numbers. We used 3.5 inch gags poppers, lunker city shakers, and even got a couple keepers up to 33″ on SP minnows. The best surprise about that spot were the keeper size tog I accidently hooked up with every trip or so.

    • Nice Brian! I’m just now hearing reports of much better quality fish moving in all throughout the Cape. Many more keepers being caught from what I’m gathering.

      Glad you and your brother enjoyed fishing that spot, and good luck if you head out this week.

      By the way, accidentally hooking keeper tog doesn’t sound half bad!

      • Nice report Ryan, I did some similar fishing not too far from where I think you were. Plug fishing around rocks is pretty fun. I noticed a common theme in all posted striper pictures I’ve seen this year, rocks. I thought about the same thing, trying to land big fish amongst a bunch of boulders ? Won’t be easy but I’ll be back to try !

        • Good to hear Mark! We probably were fishing the same area.

          Yes I agree, it will be a challenge landing a decent one from the boulders. However I would happily accept the challenge.

          Gluck this weekend if you get out!

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