February 9 2019

Behind The Scenes Of Episode #5 | Tautog Fishing With My Wife


Lauren Collins

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's tautog fishing episode on My Fishing Cape Cod TV!  Not only was it my big debut in front of the camera, but also my big debut going tautog fishing.

Leading up to this episode, I had been told that tautog were in thick and heavy, so I knew my chances were pretty good that I might actually catch something.

In this behind the scenes post, I'll take you through the day, starting with where we launched, our bait techniques (which were more than a little gross for me) and how I managed to catch the biggest fish of the day.


Where We Launched
And Fished

Leading up to the day of filming, we were watching and hoping the weather would cooperate.  Tautog fishing season is primarily in the spring and fall, so with it being October in New England, we really didn't know what kind of weather we'd get.  

Thankfully, it was forecast to be a beautifully sunny and warm day, with light winds for the morning and promising fishing reports.

That morning, we woke up bright and early to begin our trip. The marina and little bay where we launched are really beautiful and picturesque.

You can view the boat ramp we launched from in the map below.

I was super nervous to be on camera but also really excited to share this experience with Ryan! On our way out, we stopped to check out some action on the surface. We quickly managed to catch a bluefish and a striper before continuing on our trek towards the "land of tautog".

According to what I've learned, good numbers of tautog come into shallow water rock piles during April and May, and again during October and November. For this trip, we targeted rock piles in 18-28 feet of water, within the confines of the map below.

About the author 

Lauren Collins

Through the eyes of a fishermans' wife, I'm excited to share my cooking and photography with you here on MFCC. You can learn more about cooking, and get more recipes by visiting my website Creatively Delish.

  • Great episode! awesome that you caught the biggest fish of the day – that was a monster! And we chuckled at your exchange about how hard Ryan’s life is, spending all day on the water. Reminds me of the 1,000 times my wife has given me the eyeroll when I say I can’t visit the in-laws because “something on the boat needs my immediate attention” or some other lame excuse.

  • Hey Lauren, I saw the show this morning. Very fun to watch. You did great! Congrats on the biggest fish! I have eaten tautog, they are very good! Nice show!

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