There exists on Cape Cod a fish which eludes most saltwater fishermen for the entirety of their lives. Even anglers who specifically target this fish, expect to make 1,000 or more, well placed casts, before ever generating a bite.
I am not referring to the super elusive giant bluefin tuna, which will soon roam the deep basins off Cape Cod's coast. I'm not talking about moby cow stripers either.
Cape Cod's "fish of a thousands casts" is relatively small, resides in calm and clear streams. rivers and tidal creeks and can be caught using the lightest of tackle.
The fish is none other than the incredibly elusive Searun Trout.
My Experience With Sea Run Trout
I was fortunate to catch my first sea run trout as a teenager, while fishing a tidal creek on Upper Cape Cod. This happened on a wintry day during December-quite different than the mild temperatures we've enjoyed so far this April.
Since then I have blanked, and I bet I have made many more than 1,000 casts!
The History Of Searun Trout In Under 60 Words
From what I have gathered there are actually 2 types of "searun" trout on Cape Cod. You have searun brown trout and then you have searun brook trout.
Both fish are extremely rare because their tidal and stream habitat has been disturbed or even destroyed in many areas. For example a simple cranberry bog can wreak havoc on the fish population of a nearby stream.
Searun trout face many challenges.
Setting Off In Search Of Searuns
Recently I decided to explore a conservation area, which has been proclaimed to be one of the last remaining tidal streams on the East Coast of the United States, actively supporting a population of searun trout.
For the past 22 years I have been fishing on Cape Cod, and had never before visited this particular tidal stream. I was intrigued.
After a gorgeous walk through the woods the only noise I could hear was the trickling of the stream. I watched as tiny bait fish darted around in the crystal clear water. I soaked up the sun for everything it was worth.
I began casting with the intention of working the upstream portion of the river, before working the downstream portion, where the river emptied into a saltwater bay.
Little did I know that this particular river-known best for its searun trout fishery-is also one of the best places on Cape Cod to target stripers over the next 2 weeks.