March 24 2014

How I’m Going To Catch A 40lb Bass From The Beach This Season


I feel that by saying I am going to catch a 40lb bass from the beach this season, I automatically increase the odds of it occurring.

It's the Law Of Attraction, in action.

Of course fish do as they please, and I understand that there are no guarantees in fishing.  Mother Nature will make the final decision.

Regardless, I want to share with you how I plan to catch a 40lb bass from the beach this season, because I feel my plan can help you in your own pursuits.

Plus it's fun to dream, wouldn't you agree!?

Fishing Where The Big Fish Are

As far as spots are concerned I plan on focusing on exposed beaches, instead of protected coves and tucked away estuaries.

40lb striper cape cod beaches

Fishing these wide open beaches is going to be a challenge, because there's so many miles of beach to cover.  Focusing on areas of change and structure is an important way to eliminate ground.

This season I am going to rely on intel from our forum more than ever. During 2013 I received one specific tip from the forum, that led me to one of the most impressive shallow water bass blitzes I have ever encountered.

For example, information about a huge biomass of sea herring hanging just offshore is worth its weight in gold. Where there's big bait there are often big bass...even if that big bait is hanging offshore.

Getting Up Early...Or Staying Up Late

I feel the best time for me to be on the beach is when everyone else is in bed.

beach fishing cape cod sunrise

Finding a 40 pound striped bass within casting distance from shore is pretty rare and not easy to do. Yet you can significantly increase your odds by having a line in the water at sunrise, sunset or after dark.

Nighttime in particular is a very special time. Big bass seem more courageous and willing to venture into shallow water.

Remembering That Big Bait = Big Bass (sometimes)

Elephants eat peanuts, and striped bass over 40 pounds routinely eat small bait. However, I feel I can increase my odds of a 40 pounder by fishing with big lures and big bait.

I feel it must be hard for a trophy striper to pass up on a big mackerel, squid or eel.

To make lure and bait selection as simple as possible for you, I have put together a 4 minute and 28 second video presentation on big fish lures and baits I plan on using during 2014.

You can see the big baits and lures I plan on using this season, by clicking here or on the image below.

By Using A Reel That Can Definitely Handle A 40 Pounder Without Risk Of Getting Spooled, Seizing Up Etc.

A lot of work will go into landing a 40 pound striped bass from the beach, so I want to make sure I don't lose the bass after hooking it, due to the wrong fishing reel.

There's many different affordable reels capable of tackling a 40 pound fish.

Over the past week we've been having a discussion in the My Fishing Cape Cod forum about this very subject. I feel that right now is the perfect time to get your big fish equipment in line, because big bass will be migrating north to Cape Cod before we know it.

So I've decided to open this specific thread to everyone, to help you out if you are in need of a fishing reel capable of landing a trophy striper from the beach.

Click here to view this My Fishing Cape Cod forum thread

Logging In A Silly Amount Of Time On The Beach

cape cod beach fishing

Nothing beats time spent on the beach.

Wicked Tuna Captain Dave Carraro reminded us in last week's podcast that one of his most valuable assets is the incredible amount of time he spends on the water. Dave caught 52 giant bluefin tuna during the 2011 season so I feel his message is pretty spot-on.

Even if you are fishing the best times, in the greatest spots with the perfect bait , odds are you will still have to login a silly amount of time on the beach.

I am really chomping at the bit to start surfcasting, so fishing often and putting in the effort shouldn't be too much of a problem, at least this spring. Yet I will admit that the nocturnal surfcasting lifestyle can get tiring.

But at this very moment I am all sorts of pumped up for spring!

Here's The Latest Cape Cod Holdover Striper Fishing Report

holdover report

I even went striper fishing last week on the Cape for holdovers. Back in January I found dozens of dead holdover stripers throughout the Cape's marshes.

Did any fish survive the brutally cold winter? If they did, would they be more active now, due to the last week's mild weather?

I felt there was at least some sort of chance, so I headed back out into one of the Cape's many estuaries in search of my first striper of the 2014 season.

You can read about last week's holdover striper trip by clicking here

In Conclusion

Spring is here!  The ponds are thawing, and while we still may get smacked by winter I feel we are close to mild weather.

With the mild weather comes many different spring Cape Cod fishing opportunities. I can't wait.

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

Tight lines and take care,


smarter is better for MFCC

  • Hi Ryan,

    Great site and great narrative. I am trying to view that bait and lures for 40lb video but it keeps bringing me to this page after I enter my email. I tried with different emails as well. Can you please list those lures instead or is there another way?

    • Hey Gary – I know we chatted briefly about Duxbury flounder, but some other fun ideas for the kids could include mackerel fishing.

      I used to love mack fishing when I was younger, because the action could be hot and heavy and you can catch multiples macks at a time.

      Are you familiar with mack fishing?

  • Ryan, sounds like a good goal. I’ll be working on a 30 from the inflatable myself this season. Piece of cake for the experienced anglers out there, but I’m still a newbie and would be satisfied with that. Will power and laws aside, what would you guess the odds are of you landing a 40-pounder from the beach this season? Might be a fun thing to try and calculate, although probably not a useful exercise unless it further motivates you or at least will know how rare the catch would be.

    • That’s a great goal! A 30 from the inflatable would make for one amazing photo. I’ll be looking forward to your updates.

      I feel I have a very good chance. We are fortunate to have a lot of big fish around at this time. Years ago I would be very hard pressed to make it happen, so I might as well enjoy this part in the striper population cycle while we have them around.

  • Hi Ryan,
    Coast Guard Beach and the inflow just south of it might be a good spot for a 40 pounder. Head of the Meadow usually gets a good run of big fish in the Spring.

    Or you could try Pochet Hole if you think history will repeat itself and if it’s still there.


  • Hi Ryan,

    I’ve been enjoying your videos and emails. Which is very unusual for me. Demographics. I’m Late 60’s, recently retired, fished a lot of fresh water fishing in upstate NY as a kid and now learning stripah fishing. I live year round in Hyannis. Did well at the Canal last year almost entirely on the bone colored JoBo Guppy Pencil Popper. Also a Fall 38″ on the Savage green jig. But I love it. I do Canal, shore and kayak fishing.

    I’m interested in being tied in for tips and hot spots. And yes, I’m willing to share. Let me know.

    Best, Jim

    • Hey Jim – that is great to hear. I’m happy you are enjoying MFCC.

      Being recently retired it seems like you’ll have plenty of time for fishing this season! I think that’s great and congrats on those nice fish last year at the Canal. I also love that Guppy pencil popper.

      I feel you’ll really enjoy the MFCC community. When you’re ready fill out the form on this page to join

      That’ll get you tied into the best content, reports, tips and videos on the site, as well as give you access to the forum, where you can introduce yourself to the rest of the crowd.

      Thanks Jim! and if I can help with anything just ask.

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