July 20 2017

46in Cape Cod Striper on the Fly Rod


Ryan Collins

Big stripers were swirling all around my kayak, and it was obvious to me that most of the fish were 35 pounds or larger.

This was a serious school of cow striped bass, and I wondered if my 9 weight fly rod from The Goose Hummock could handle these huge fish.

​Just then a giant bass came to the surface 10 feet off the stern of my kayak.

The video cameras were rolling as the monster bass surged towards my offering and engulfed my fly just yards from the kayak.


Please click play below to watch.

My Fishing Cape Cod members can download more information about this trip by clicking the "Download" button beneath the video.

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  • The full 34 minute video
  • Information about what these bass were feeding on
  • How I found these fish
  • General location of where this bass was caught
  • Tips and advice for targeting monster stripers on the fly
  • Plus more... 

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  • Ryan, watching this video never gets old, in fact it gets better every time I watch it. Only Lauren’s conversation could top a 46 inch bass in a kayak on the fly rod – priceless.
    This video should go in the MFCC time capsule – a forever classic!

  • I LOVE this video! This is the 3rd time I have watched it. Laurens phone call at the end is priceless! Beautiful fish Ryan! Thanks for keeping it reel! I mean real!

  • I’m glad I watched all the way to the end haha. I feel like I have that same conversation all the time! Loved this video, my favorite one you’ve done. Thanks

  • I thought the highlight of this video would be the massive fish landed on the fly rod…nope! It was the conversation after. I hope you did all the work on the house before going fishing!! HAHA

  • The best thing about fly fishing is being to lift that line and drop it down in an instant when you see the fish break. I doubt you would have been able to reel in your spin lure and get it back there in time to hook up.

    Loved the conversation with Lauren at the end.. 🙂

    • That is a great point you make Steve about being able to quickly drop that fly line right ontop of a fish within an instant – definitely much quicker and more delicate than with spin gear.

      Lauren calls me all the time while I’m fishing, but this was the first time I ever caught a conversation on video. Maybe I should always keep the cameras rolling when she calls!

  • That was a perfectly executed reverse, backhand, over the shoulder, no-look cast that you dropped right on top of the huge stripper. Very enjoyable to watch. I agree this is right up there with the Rooster fish without the impaling.

  • Great job Ryan! What kind of reel was that? I fly fish but streams and creeks down here in Georgia. Five weight. That was one monster fish congrats!

  • Great fish and Vid., Ryan. That is one for the book and one of a lifetime on the fly. I’ts nice when you can sit right atop of them with the kayak. That is why I love using mine.

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