Garet Suomala
Hello MFCC. It's your favorite fisherman here again. No its not Ryan, but me Garet Suomala.
Today I am here to talk about 5 gorgeous places to go for a walk on Cape Cod.
So without further ado, lets get right to it shall we?
5) The Boardwalk
Number 5 is none other than the Sandwich Boardwalk.

Photo courtesy of John Doble Photography
Why do I like this spot?
First, I grew up in the town of Sandwich and I went to Sandwich High School.
The boardwalk is sorta right in "my backyard."
Plus I think its cool to walk over the footbridge from the parking lot, to the ocean on the other side.

I have fished once at the boardwalk but never caught anything very big (see below).

But whenever I get the chance, the boardwalk is still a pretty nice place to walk.
4) Craigville Beach
I remember Craigville Beach as another pretty spot to go for a walk. It is also fairly close to my house, and is more or less right down the road.

Ryan brought me here last April before sunset.

We didn't catch much but it was still fun, because we had to walk to where we where fishing. Catching fish is just a bonus anyways.

If I do remember correctly, I think this was the day when Ryan snagged the pogie. That was fun to see.

It's always very nice to catch at least something, right?
3) The Harwich Conservation Trust Lands
I remember walking around the Harwich Conservation Trust Lands because it was a warm day in December.

With scenery like this, who cares if there are no fish around?

As you can see in the picture above, I was wearing a nice pair of pants, which is not too smart because I was out with Ryan.
I was hoping not to get my slacks dirty but that did not go so well for me. LOL
2) Coast Guard Beach
I don't remember going here. Honestly I don't.
But Ryan claims he has video proof (see below).
But who really cares? Sitting out on any beach at sunrise is pretty awesome.
Once again I don't remember catching a thing that day, but it does not matter.
We were outside on a beautiful morning, enough said.
1) The Cape Cod Canal
Ok folks, we have come to the end of another article. Before I conclude, let me write about one more favorite spot I like to go to.
Yep you guys guessed it, it's the Cape Cod Canal.

Photo courtesy of John Doble Photography
Did you know the canal land cut is 7 miles long?
Construction on the canal started in 1909 and finished in 1916.

Can you imagine what building the canal was like way back in 1908, without modern dredging?
What a pretty amazing feet of engineering! And if I may add, it is a very nice place to walk.
In Conclusion
So there you have it guys. 5 of my favorite places on Cape Cod to go for a walk. Hopefully you get nice weather when you check out these spots.
Anyways that is all for now. More coming soon...
Tight lines!
Great article Garet and we love walking Coast Guard all the way to the Nauset inlet. Long Beach is the continuation of Craigville and overlooks both the Centervile river and Nantucket Sound and is an excellent walk as well. Gorgeous homes line the river.
God Bless and tight lines,
Frank Greco
Good to know. Maybe me and ryan will walk it someday. Enjoy the summer
great article as usual Garet
I romanticize the idea of just going for a walk on cape. I’ve tried…..Over two decades, the “fish” thing has come to distract me. I imagine it could be just plain beautiful on its own, beyond the agenda of my senses and ego.
Nice article Garet
Well thank you. I is very nice to walk here on the cape. I like to think of it that we have a little spot of heaven with all the beaches around. Keep enjoying them
Take care
Garet, great article and I agree with your choices. I do have one place to add. I think one of my most favorite spots to walk on CC (with rod on shoulder of course) is the Chatham Light! Sunrise out at the point and beyond is something special. I have shared it with both my boys and they talk about it in the dead of winter. Love your site guys.
Thank for you input Chris. I will pass that place a long to ryan. Mybe he will take me thair sometime. Hop to see you sunday
Nice write up Garet. Fish are always bonus – but truly there is so much more to love about the area!
Hello. Thanks for the read
Thank you for the comment
Great article Garet! I love to walk most of these spots with my wife. Where do you enter the Harwich Trust? Looks like a potential holdover area?
Thanks for all you do,
Ed Barron
hi Edward. I don’t really know. But thanks for the coments
Hey Garet,
Good to see you at the MFCC breakfast on Sunday.
Great article, the Sandwich Boardwalk is such a cool area. I enjoy reading all the inscriptions on the planks. The beach on Cape Cod Bay is where Gracie had her first ever swim in the ocean!
Was nice to see you to dex
Great article Garnet! I wish it was longer….i am dying to get back to the Cape! These articles help!
I like Lawrence Island….you get there by a very small patch of land past some houses – the neighbors are great, they just ask that you keep your dog leashed until you get past their house…then you eventually walk over a very small bridge made of a piece of wood (i guess this is why it is an island)….bird sanctuary in the middle, Squeteague harbor on one side, Megansett Harbor and Buzzards Bay on the other side. Great place for a walk with the dog!
Well thank you.
Will have more soon
Hi WedgeWorld,
I just looked up the island you mentioned. Looks like a beautiful place for a walk. Could you help me understand where to park and get out there do I don’t upset the residents? Do you park on Grasslands Ave and then walk the shore line or do you go up to the Eustis Beach parking area on Scraggy Neck Rd and walk the shore line back? Thanks Jim
Park on Grasslands and walk the shoreline. We always bring the dog and keep her on the leash until we pass the houses – I think there are maybe 3 or 4. It is very clear to understand once you are pass the neighbors and can let the dog off the leash. It is doable anytime, but at high tide you might get a little wet. I think you will love it, enjoy!
Nice post Garrett hopefully we get to meet this year. I to spend some time on the canal. Once again nice hearing from you keep up the nice post.
Hi Glen. Hoe to meet you to
Loved your choices.Cape Cod Canal is one of my favorites.Once while fishing it my sister and husband rolled by on their rollerblades.What a surprise better than catching a fish which is sometimes quite a surprise.Faith friends and family have carried me through many rough waters too.Tight lines!
Thats so nice to here. Hoefuly this year will be just as good
Take care