February 25 2018

Online Registration Is Now Open For April Meetups


Ryan Collins

Spring is in the air! The freshwater bite on Cape Cod is great, holdover striped bass are stirring, and the saltwater scene will soon be heating up.

As we look forward to April, I am happy to announce that we will have two in-person meetups at the Fishermen's View Restaurant, on the banks of the Cape Cod Canal. 

Online registration for these two meetups is now open! Please make sure to register online because space is limited, and we need to know exactly how many members to expect. 


These next meetups will also have a central theme. The first meetup is canal-specific, and the second meetup is tuna-specific.

This will help us become laser focused on our networking, and keep the information shared during each meetup as relevant as possible. 

  • Hello,
    My son is a fisherman New to Woods Hole. He is in the CG and just figuring his way around your area. It’s hard because he is from the west coast and has no friends. The other shipmates work alternate shifts so he really can’t hang out with them. He is 20 and that’s a hard age to be in a new place. Looking for suggestions to a fishing club ect.

    • Hey there! ?

      Thanks for the comment. Your son is located in a great area for fishing!

      Have him check out our website and online community > myfishingcapecod.com

      We have lots of information on the website, as well as very helpful members inside our forum who often meetup and fish together. Access to everything we have available is $1 for your first month, then $10/month after, cancel anytime. ?

      LMK if you have any other questions. ?

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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