Kevin Collins
Weekly Podcast Host
Welcome to another edition of the weekly My Fishing Cape Cod podcast, featuring the Goose Hummock Shops, Canal Bait & Tackle, and Eastman's Sport & Tackle.
We normally publish these podcasts on Fridays, but this week I am just returning from a trip to France, which is why we recorded this podcast yesterday afternoon, and are publishing today.
This podcast is definitely worth a listen! Today's show is jam packed with almost 40 minutes of fishing content and advice!
Please click here to download this podcast, or scroll below to learn more about what to expect.
Ryan Collins
MFCC Founder
We kick off this episode with a call to Ryan of MFCC, who gives us a quick update on albies and bonito. Ryan also enlightens us on the future of the weekly MFCC podcast as we push into fall, as well as introducing the MFCC Chronicles podcast which is a new show we plan to publish throughout the winter "off-season."
Evan Eastman
Eastman's Sport & Tackle
Second on the show is Evan Eastman of Eastman's Sport & Tackle in Falmouth, MA. Evan reports that Bonito and Albies are in the waters of Vineyard Sound in good numbers. Evan gives us a full rundown for targeting "funny fish" on Cape Cod with plenty of tips on tackle and strategy.
Jeff Miller
Canal Bait & Tackle
Next up is our good friend Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. Jeff reports that smaller bass inside the Cape Cod Canal are prompting a lot of recreational fisherman to target Bonito instead! Yes there are bonito in the canal according to Jeff. Find out where, when, and how to try your hand at this new species which has moved into the "Big Ditch."
Sam Brown
The Goose Hummock
We wrap up today's show with Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. Sam gives us the latest scoop on surfcasting the Outer Cape Cod beaches. In addition he provides us with a boat report for Nantucket Sound where small striped bass are still here in large numbers, with bonito and albies moving in.
To listen to this week's podcast, please click play below
Great podcast as always!
Terrific to have you listening each week Jeff! ??