There's been some good fish taken at the Cape Cod Canal the past few days. Night fishing is also starting to produce.
I think that one of those schools of striped bass which was holding on Stellwagen Bank may have moved into the Canal area. Beware of the big bluefish which are also starting to appear. Expect to see plenty of bait, and in some spots plenty of fishermen, during your next trip to the Canal.
Click the orange download button below to listen to my 4 minute audio report in which I recap what's going on.​
Member Downloads
A 4 minute audio report from Jeff, recapping what’s going on right now at the Cape Cod Canal
Nice Work MFCC!
Special congrats to the following My Fishing Cape Codders who have had success recently at the Cape Cod Canal.

Elizabeth Hansel with a recently caught Canal schoolie striper.

Ryan Krapp with a good one taken on an SP Minnow

Matt McGilveary with his new personal best - a 35lber taken at the ditch.
Report to come soon!
What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.
Keep the info coming…love it
Awesome to hear Chuck, I am sure Jeff will keep the reports flowing!
Awesome job ryan lots of good fishing knowledge past on love it
No worries Matt, plenty more to come!