October 26 2015

The Best Fishing Trip A Dad Could Ask For


I thought I would share a story that involves one of the best experiences I've had as a fisherman. During this special trip the whole family got in on the action.

My family and I recently stayed on Cape Cod for a late season October vacation. Throughout the week I had been sneaking away to do some fishing whenever I could.


So far I had caught two trout.

Plus another twenty-two striped bass, and a bluefin tuna with Bobby Rice of Reel Deal Charters.

It had been an incredible week, yet little did I know the best was yet to come...

The Perfect Ending To A Great Vacation

On the very last day of our vacation we took a family hike around a nearby harbor. I was with my wife Melanie and daughters Nicole and Olivia, ages 6 and 7 1/2.

green eel grass on cape cod

When we got out of the car I grabbed my rod and surf bag as the wife gave me a long stare, since this was the last day of our vacation and I had been fishing everyday.

I said to my wife "This is just in case we see a blitz while walking out to the trail, and I won't stop unless we see something."

You know the saying - always follow your instincts! My wife gave me "the look" but I took the rod anyways.

After all my youngest daughter Olivia had been dying to catch a striped bass, ever since her older sister Nicole caught this nice fish back in July.

michael tininess with daughter striped bass

And wouldn't you know it, as we hiked around a corner, we saw bass busting everywhere! The stripers were chasing herring up onto the beach in less than 2 feet of water at low tide.

They were so close to shore that my youngest daughter Olivia could reach them casting all on her own. Olivia wound up hooking two stripers all by herself using a top water plug!

striped bass fishing on cape cod with the kids
striped bass fishing on cape cod with the kids

My oldest daughter Nicole also hooked one.

They were all fairly small fish with the biggest striper somewhere around 26 inches. We left having caught 8 fish in total with big smiles all around.

It was an amazing experience, especially for me the dad!

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • Very nice report, my Dad did the same thing with me years (and years) ago. It stuck, and today my Dad is 93 and loves hearing about his daughter’s fishing trips.

  • This is how I got Ryan and his sister started at age 5.They both have salt in their veins. Both of my adult children love this area. My Dad did the same for his children too. Great story. Thanks , Ryan Collins Dad Jake Collins

  • Great story Mike. As the other guy in that pic of the tuna and a friend to your family it is a privilege to watch our kids grow up around the water. Even better, we get to share fishing and this amazing fishery with our kids! What could be better?

  • Great report! A dad’s dream fishing trip. Now you have a free pass from the boss to take your rod and gear every time you hit the beach!

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