November 17

Winners Announced! | Black Friday Deals, Bonuses & Giveaway

by Ryan Collins

Today I drew the 10 random winners of the Monomoy Tackle Specter giveaway!

Please watch the above video to see if you won. If you don't feel like watching the entire video, then you can just skip to the end where I list all the names.

On another note, I'm looking forward to Black Friday and I'll share more information about the Black Friday deals and opportunities very soon. 

Below you will find the original version of this blog post with the original giveaway video, all the entries, and other info about Black Friday. 👇

Hello MFCC! 👋🏻

Today I'm coming at you from my home office, along with my dog Rosie. Rosie is almost always laying there whenever I'm doing work on the computer. Whether it's recording videos, editing blog posts, or typing up newsletters, I always have Rosie as my co-worker.

I'm super excited about this Black Friday because I've never before done any sort of promotion or sale for Black Friday. However this year I figured I would give it a try.

First and foremost, I want to be clear that I'm not just trying to offer you some sale. This Black Friday I want to offer you "solutions". What I mean is that I'm already looking ahead to 2024 and I want it to be the best season yet for you and for everybody who's part of the My Fishing Cape Cod community.

Helping to make 2024 the best season yet for as many MFCC members as possible is my main goal coming up this Black Friday.

Here are some details:

  • The promotion will run from 7am on Black Friday through 10pm on Cyber Monday
  • I'm going to offer some big discounts on MFCC membership
  • There's going to be an opportunity to take part in a new Q&A program for the 2024 season where you'll be able to hop on a Zoom call with myself and perhaps some charter captains and other knowledgeable anglers from MFCC.
  • There will be deals on group fishing trips and apparel, plus special opportunities, events, and other cool bonuses  

This is just kind of where I'm at right now. I'll get more structure and details together in the coming days and weeks leading up to Black Friday. At 7am on Black Friday I'll unveil the packages and opportunities that I have for you.

To help kick things off, I'd like to do a giveaway right now! 

This week I would like to giveaway 10 Specters from Monomoy Tackle. This lure is 7.9 inches long and weighs 2.8 ounces. It generates some massive top water strikes from striped bass and blue fish.

To be entered, all you have to do is leave a comment below and you'll be included in the giveaway. One week from today I'll choose 10 random winners and I"ll post their names here.

I really am quite excited about this Black Friday so why not kick it off with a giveaway. Leave a comment below if you're interested!

I'll get back in touch soon with more details about the Black Friday event.

As always, tight lines and take care 🎣 


About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • Cool deal Ryan, I’m in! Hope to add to my mix of MT gear. Taking MT rigs tog fishing with Jason Colby on Sunday. Cheers mates!

  • Good evening Ryan Stephen Desisto here .I just heard about your up coming talk for the Plum Island Surf Casters Looking forward to your talk and meeting you again at the senior center Salisbury . I hope you enjoy your visit to the Plum Island area

  • Been fishing since kindergarten like you when my dad first took me 70 years ago!. I’m sure I ruined his trip. Thanks for your site it is very well done.
    I’m in. Keep up the stellar work!

  • I’m in! I might use it this year. I was throwing a paddle tail this morning at Harding’s beach with nothing to show for it but you never know!

  • I’m in!!!! Am 87 and still going strong – looking forward to the 2024 season!
    Will take some Geritol and join you in one of your outings in the coming year. Your app is not active so I’ll log in as a guest below!

  • Hi Ryan, Great job again this year!
    Looking forward to your kick off to the 24’ season beginning with your Black Friday weekend event. I can tell you’re excited for the upcoming season! TL

  • Ryan, Looking forward to The Black Friday Bonanza and the exciting new adventures in 24′. Count me in for the giveaway. Ken W

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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