April 29 2014

Cape Cod Fishing Report | Searching For Migrant Stripers


This early in the season I find it incredibly easy to rise from bed, in the dark, before our planet rotates enough for the sun's rays to shine down on our corner of the hemisphere.

Right now is a very exciting time to be fishing on Cape Cod, because with each passing moment the landscape becomes slightly greener and the air slightly warmer.

Of course the biomass of striped bass hanging to the south of Cape Cod is also coming slightly closer with each passing hour.

The Latest MFCC Cape Cod Fishing Report

fishing report cape cod sunrise

"Wow is this nice" is what I remember saying to myself as I watched the sunrise over the marsh. Being out in an estuary and watching the sunrise over the water and reeds, is truly a wonderful way to start the day.

Because I was fishing in a densely populated area, I was granted the interesting opportunity of watching cars and trucks whiz by at the same moment I watched the sun rise over the cattails.

cape cod fishing report sunrise estuary

I wondered if any of these commuters ever pause for a moment, and let themselves be astonished by the beauty that exists just beyond their windshield.

cape cod fishing sunrise

Has repetition and routine blinded them to the natural wonders that are found between the houses, buildings and highways?

cape cod estuary sunrise

Is it the pressure of keeping a schedule that motivates them to drive so quickly, when they could so easily and simply, slow down and play witness to all that is stirring and unfolding around them?

fishing cape cod report

So much we miss, without ever being aware that we are even missing it.

In Search Of Striper #2 Of The Season

My first cast of the morning landed in close proximity to a pair of geese that had just flown in, and landed on the thin strip of water in front of me.

I waited for my small white curly tail lure to reach bottom before starting my first retrieve of the morning.

I began reeling the lure back towards shore with an eagerness and excitement that I only feel during late April, when any little bump or bite makes my heart skip a beat.

extended cape cod fishing report button



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