July 30 2016

Cape Cod Surfcasting Is On Fire


Ryan Collins

The surfcasting I have encountered the past several days has been red hot!

Big striped bass in the 20-30 pound range have been swimming incredibly close to shore, even during daylight hours, which is unusual.

48 hours ago I stumbled upon a school of quality bass feeding among weeds and rocks. On my fifth cast of the trip, and with the sun still high in the sky, I received the surprise of my summer.


The bass in the following video put up a great battle. It was the most fun I've had fishing since catching white marlin in the canyons off Cape Cod.

This was just one of many large bass I've caught recently from shore. Some stripers have been over 30 pounds. More videos and information about those fish coming soon!

Please click play below.

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General location of where this fish was caught

Information about the technique used to catch this fish

    • Thanks Rick! I’m having a lot of fun with the underwater footage.

      Got some great video the past few days of the incredible schools of pogies off the Cape too, which I am looking forward to sharing this weekend.

  • Hey Ryan, I’m located in Harwich and have been dying to get out surfcasting but I’m not sure where to go. I don’t mind driving a decent distance if it’s going to put me on some fish. Where do you recommend I go to find some fish?

    • You are in a great spot Austin. Harwich is located near some very productive beaches for bass, bluefish and sharks.

      Please consider joining MFCC as a supporting member > https://myfishingcapecod.com/join-for-a-buck/

      Incredible amount of information available to members. Also our forum is a great resource for personal help and guidance.

      Send me an email after you join and I will help get you started with some ideas.

  • Nice job Ryan…great video…I look forward to getting out to the Cape for fall fishing…hope to see you among the rocks someplace!

  • Nice fish and video. Best thing about catching in the daylight is you can see the whole thing!
    I like your location hint. That really narrows it down !!

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