October 24, 2015

This update begins yesterday evening when I decided to splash the kayak in one of Cape Cod’s southside bays. This spot fished real well last weekend so I was hoping for a repeat.I also fished the beach this morning and this afternoon I hope to use the kayak again. This update will include a recap

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Saturday Oct. 24 Striper Fishing Update
September 6, 2015

Albies have been coming within reach of surfcasters and anglers using small boats or kayaks, so I recently decided to splash the Hobie and try to chase them down.I must say I had one heck of a time keeping up with the fish! This 4+ minute video report recaps the entire experience.​ Click below to view.​

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Chasing Albies via Kayak
August 22, 2015

The last time I splashed the kayak was back in June of this year. Back then I was fortunate to catch some beautiful fish, but most of all I enjoyed the quiet and simplicity of fishing from a kayak.As we move toward the end of the summer, I am looking forward to ditching the big

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Gearing Up To Kayak Fish The Cape
August 13, 2015

As we roll into mid-August I find myself starting to think about “funny fish.” It won’t be long now until bonito, false albacore and other more “tropical” species of fish begin trickling into Cape waters.Last season I had a blast chasing false albies with my fishing buddy Jeff C. I learned a lot and I

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False Albie Fishing | A Video Overview Of What To Expect
June 23, 2015

This past weekend I was able to venture out in the kayak in the early AM and again in the evening. During both trips I was lucky to find striped bass in very shallow water. Some of these fish were quite large too. The biggest of the bunch was a 25-30 pounder which was hooked in

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Using The Kayak To Target Big Bass In Skinny Water
June 22, 2015

This is a guest report from Chris French who’s been a member of MFCC since May of 2012. Chris also runs a new fishing website called Angler Toolbox which you can check out by clicking here. On this trip, I departed early to get a few hours of fishing in before work. The new moon

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Targeting Striped Bass Using a “Kaboat”
June 18, 2015

Yesterday afternoon I set out on the Hobie kayak I received from the good crew over at Sturgis Boatworks in West Yarmouth. I now realize just how incredible of a tool this kayak can be for catching fish in challenging environments.After more than a mile of paddling I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I

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Cape Cod Kayak Fishing Report | June 17
January 8, 2015

Spring is hiding out there somewhere beneath the frost and ice. Some say spring is a long ways away, but I can feel it just past the tips of my fingers.And when spring arrives one of the first things I will do is splash the kayak, and start pedaling. I’m new to kayak fishing and

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5 Picturesque Places to Kayak Fish this Spring on Cape Cod
January 1, 2015

As we move into the New Year, I find myself reminiscing about the 2014 Cape Cod saltwater fishing season. Throughout the 2014 season I can swiftly recall numerous highlights and memorable moments, in which I declared “I will remember this come winter!”Several of those memorable moments include:

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My #1 Cape Cod Striped Bass Kayak Fishing Trip Of 2014
September 16, 2014

“They are definitely on fish” is what I recall saying to myself, as I looked out over the horizon at a small pack of boats. I was working on only a few hours of sleep from the night before. I didn’t want to burn gas in my 21 footer and go through the process of

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Mid-Afternoon 25 Pounder From The Yak
September 12, 2014

Ryan CollinsSlow-trolling live eels is a super effective way of fooling big striped bass on Cape Cod, especially during late summer and early fall. Slow-trolling is a relatively simple technique to learn, and in this video tutorial I will try to explain all the details of this deadly kayak tactic.For this trip, I “mother shipped” the

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Slow Trolling Live Eels For Monster Stripers | Cape Cod Kayak Fishing
September 11, 2014

I had a terrific time during my first ever Hobie kayak fishing experience earlier this month. I caught a big bluefish and small striped bass during that inaugural trip. Since then I’ve been chomping at the bit to hook into a big striper from the Hobie yak. Luckily for me that is exactly what happened during

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Big Striped Bass From The Hobie Kayak