November 2, 2011

  Do you want to learn how to catch BIG striped bass? Are those pictures of big fish at the bait shop driving you a little crazy?  Have you watched in disbelief as one or two guys caught big bass after big bass, and wondered what the heck they were doing different?   It’s a well known fact

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October 25, 2011

Catching a tuna is an experience unlike any other.  It is quite literally like trying to reel in a freight train. I’ve dreamed about catching tuna since I was a little kid.  Four years ago that dream finally became reality after a 5 hour (yes 5 hour!) battle on light spinning gear. Since then I

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Catching Bluefin Tuna
October 18, 2011

It’s important to remember to remove the lead from lead core prior to tying a knot.  This helps preserve the integrity of the knot. It’s only necessary to remove lead from the section of lead core you inted to tie the knot with.  In other words, removing a one foot section of lead from the lead

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How to Remove Lead from Lead Core, Prior to Tying a Knot
October 17, 2011

Hey folks! Well “it” is here-the end of the striped bass season.  I’d say we realistically have another 2 weeks until the vast majority of bass have left our area for warmer waters. Pretty hard to believe if you ask me.  It seems as if it was just Memorial Day. The good news is that

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Read this post!
October 12, 2011

*This excerpt has been taken from Tube and Worm Trolling – From the first knot to the gaff shot! There are quite a few theories floating around about what the tube and worm imitates.  It’s pretty easy to understand why.  What on earth could a two foot long, gyrating piece of rubber, moving slowly through

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What Does a Tube and Worm Imitate?
October 11, 2011

Using live bait usually results in more and bigger fish.  This rings true no matter what species of fish you are after-from fluke to giant bluefin tuna. Problem is that catching and keeping quality bait alive and frisky is often the greatest challenge to overcome.  Sometimes finding the pogies is harder than finding the tuna!

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Catching Bait
October 11, 2011

A lot of effort goes into catching a tuna.  Especially when you are just starting out. Even though we have caught numerous tuna in the 50-170 pound range, and one tuna over 670 pounds, I’d say we are still in the “starting out” phase-especially compared to some of the top tuna veterans in the Cape

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The Hunt for Giant Tuna
October 11, 2011

 Click here for the latest Cape Cod tuna fishing report It seems like the tuna bite is starting to turn on in the waters around Cape Cod. From what I’m hearing the bite off Chatham is nothing short of stellar, and quite possibly the best it has been in  years.  This news is not all

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Cape Cod Bay Giants and Lessons Learned
September 28, 2011

Hi Folks! If you are just starting out in the fishing world, then learning a few knots is critical.  I’d say I tie around a dozen knots each time I go fishing (depending on how many bluefish are around.)  Often I’m tying these knots at night in a pitching boat.  The ability to twist up

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Must Know Fishing Knots
September 28, 2011

If you are planning on going tuna fishing this week, but don’t want to spend the gas or time getting to P-town or Stellwagen Bank, considering heading out on Cape Cod Bay. Over the past few days a friend of mine, my father and now myself have found tuna of all sizes just a few

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Inches from Giant Tuna
September 22, 2011

This is going to be a short post, because I don’t want to sound repetitive.  Also, I’m starving and about to eat dinner! Anyways, we were able to squeeze in a giant tuna trip yesterday.   I went straight from a Cape Cod striped bass fishing adventure into a late night pogie catching and all day

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Giant Tuna, Sharks and Plenty of Pogies
September 16, 2011

The past day and a half has been nuts! It all began with a bluefish surfcasting tuna bait run Wednesday evening.  We’re pretty sure we’ve found a spot down Cape that will consistently produce small bluefish from shore-which is a rarity.  The spot offers easy access to a deep, dredged out channel that is currently

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