June 20 2013

East of Chatham Tuna Fishing Report | June 20



Man am I exhausted!

I think my Mom and Dad are too. This morning's trip began at the luxurious time of 2:30AM. Who else in the world has retired parents who are not just willing, but eager to jump at the opportunity to go tuna fishing at such an absurd time? I suppose I am pretty lucky.

Today we were headed east of Chatham in hopes of getting lucky with a giant bluefin tuna. This would be my first time fishing east of Chatham this season, so I too was pretty eager to see what we would find.

It took a little while for me to wake up, but by exit 6 on the mid-Cape I was good to go. Way down the highway I could see the sky beginning to brighten, which I think helped energize me. The motionless leaves on the trees also helped with my morale. We had a flat calm and sunny day ahead of us, which is always ideal for a twenty-something foot boat.

By 4:45AM we had splashed the boat and were en route to some of the richest fishing grounds in all of New England.

chatham tuna fishing report

As you can see in the photo we enjoyed a perfect sunrise over the sand dunes of Chatham inlet. The seas were silky smooth which made the sunrise even more enjoyable. Pinks, oranges and yellows bounced off the water all around us.

The calm seas also made for an easy run to the fishing grounds. Isn't it nice when the "light and variable" wind forecast actually holds true?

Before we knew it we had arrived at the spot. My Mom and Dad scanned the horizon for signs of life, while I kept a close eye on the sonar.

There off in the distance my Mom spotted a flock of birds. As I eased us into the area the sonar lit up with clouds upon clouds of bait. Suddenly the sea erupted all around us, bursting with life.

click here and for more info

fishing report chatham cape cod

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