September 22

The Fall Run Has Begun! September 22nd Report

Hello and welcome to another edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast from I'm your host, Kevin Collins, back with you for our last September edition of the MFCC podcast for 2022. 

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We're moving into a little bit of an unsettled weather pattern this weekend. As we tape the show here on Thursday, we've got a huge front moving through the area with severe thunderstorms and wind. I hope everybody stays safe.

It seems like it's gonna be a torrential rainstorm for the rest of today into tomorrow, and then the wind's going to take over. It's going to be very breezy from the north/northwest through the weekend before it turns around from the south on Sunday. So it's going to be a little bit tough for folks to get out on the water. You're going to have to get pretty creative - maybe do some surf casting as we head into this weekend.

We've got a great show in store for you today to keep you company through this dreary weather.

We've got our usual cast of characters headlined by MFCC founder and creator Ryan Collins. We're also going to be joined by Ian Bragdon, who is a proud member of Team Goose Hummock. We'll also be joined by proud MFCC member, Mike Marcus, and last but not least Bruno Demir from down at Cape and Island's Mitsubishi.

So we've got four great guests in store for you today. So let's dive right into today's program. Well, as usual, our first guest on today's edition of the podcast is none other than MFCC founder and creator - Ryan Collins. Ryan, how are you on this rainy Thursday?

I'm doing well Kevin, and yes, it is rainy and very windy, a lot different than yesterday. That's for sure.

I know you got a chance to get out yesterday with Jake?

Yep. My dad and I left Saquatucket Harbor yesterday at the very leisurely hour of 10:00 AM and headed towards Monomoy to catch the tide. And it was pretty good. Actually it was really good. There were a lot of albies and they were porpoising, turning on their sides and showing their bellies. I got some drone shots that I'll hopefully share pretty soon, but it was a great day. And you know, after experiencing a lot of finicky trips for albies when they were very reluctant to cooperate, it was nice to have a day where if you got your epoxy anywhere in the area, they were all over it.

Well, that sounds like a great day. And sign me up for the 10 o'clock departure in the future will you? None of this, you know, three, 4:00 AM stuff.

I know, right. Well, I was not even planning on going until I logged onto the forum and I saw Bruno's report and I saw a few reports from other guys in there. That literally inspired me that instant to get all my gear together and go, especially when I looked at the forecast for today, tomorrow and into the weekend. It doesn't seem like I would get any chance to use the boat with the winds gusting to 40 knots. So it was a spur of the moment trip, but I'm glad we went and it was fun getting my dad into some albies.

Yep. And speaking of the albies, Ryan, I've been following you on your new Instagram handle, @myfishingcapecod_Ryan. And following that thread last weekend, it seems like you got a chance to get out and play with some albies as well from shore, and maybe from the kayak.

Yeah, last Friday and Saturday, I used the kayak to access a jetty in the Mashpee/Falmouth area, and I fished off of the tip of the jetty. The cool thing is when you've got an area of current, it can really draw the albies in. They were feeding right on an eddy right in front of the jetty that I was standing on and it was super cool. I could see them zipping through the water, just off the rocks, and I felt like I could reach down and grab one. Obviously there's no chance of me doing that. Albies are incredibly fast.

I had quite a few hookups and I landed two. The technique that worked was skipping the jig across the surface and keeping the leader basically out of the water. I was holding my rod tip pretty high and they were slamming it pretty good. But if I let the epoxy jig sink down and if I retrieved it subsurface, they were not interested in it. I don't know if they were seeing the leader or if they really just were keyed in on that surface bite, but that's a good tip, you know, for anybody who's looking to improve their albie fishing. That made a really big difference for me last Friday and Saturday.

Now, speaking of albies, I know they are one of the species in the Cape and Islands Mitsubishi Anglers' Cup, which is powered by FishDonkey. And I've also seen on your Instagram and social media feeds that you're on the board yourself taking part in that contest. Talk a little bit about that.

Yes. This is the first year we've done this and we're using the app called FishDonkey. They're revolutionizing the way that fishing tournaments are run. So if you'd like to participate, download the fish donkey app and then search for the Cape and Islands Mitsubishi Anglers' Cup.

We have three divisions going - blue fish, bonito and false albacore. I don't have the standings right in front of me Kevin, but we've got fish being submitted. We have adults on pace to win $500 and we have juniors 14 and under competing to win a brand new rod and reel setup from My Fishing Cape Cod member, John Gitlin who donated those. We've got great prizes and it's pretty cool.

With the app you can measure the fish, take pictures through the app, and submit it. I think there's some potential in this. If you haven't joined up, then it'd be great to have you. The tournament's going to go until October 10th.

And speaking of tournaments, MFCC is turning into tournament central here, because once the calendar flips to October, all eyes will turn to October 15th, which is going to be the 24 hour MFCC surf casting team tournament. Why don't you tell folks a little bit about that tournament. We're also going to have I'll say one of the instrumental members, Mike Marcus, who is a huge influencer in the forum. He's going to be on a little later to talk about this tournament as well.

October is all about the fall run and the stripers are sticking around even into November the past few years. So hopefully we have lots of fishing to come and to help kind of celebrate the fall run we're doing this 24 hour, dare I nickname it - the 24 hour grind surf casting tournament, because I know a lot of guys are going to grind it out and probably stay up and fish that whole 24 hours.

It's a team event and you're going to measure your two largest Striped Bass and whatever team has the most inches will win. And we're going to have some prizes we'll get together afterwards at Sandy Neck Beach. So if you have a fishing buddy that you fish with all the time, then it'd be great to have you as part of the tournament. You can contact Mike Marcus or myself and we'll get you signed up.

And if you don't have a partner, then you can still join in. We'll do our best to match you up with somebody to fish the tournament with. So yes, Kevin, we've got the Fish Donkey albie tournament and we've got the 24 hour grind surf casting event.

And flipping back into September here on the immediate horizon, I know you're also doing a presentation coming up this week. Tell folks a little bit about that.

I will be presenting at the Massachusetts Striped Bass Association this Wednesday. Doors open at 7:00 PM - do you have the address in front of you Kevin?

I do. It's the, the Order of the Sons of Italy. 54 Whitman Street in Weymouth, Massachusetts. As Ryan said, doors open at 7 and I'll let you talk a little bit about it. It seems like there's going to be a raffle as well?

Yes there's going to be a raffle afterwards. They are going to have some great gear that they're raffling off. They invited me to speak which is great. I spoke at the group several years ago, so it will be good to be back.

The name of the talk I'm going to give is 15 Things You Never Knew Stripe Bass Can Be and Do - so it's a little bit different. But what we're going to do is take a look at the favorite fish for most people on My Fishing Cape Cod - the Stripe Bass. We're going to look at some behaviors that I've been fortunate to catch on film and really investigate what's going on.

You know, for example, I have some footage of stripers digging in the sand, chasing sand eels at Billingsgate Shoal. We have some footage of stripers actually working a school of pogies alongside giant blue fin tuna. It's just going to be a fun night of Striped Bass. So if you're around, all are welcome, it'd be great to see ya.

Well, that sounds like a great event Ryan and I'm looking forward to hearing more about that on the next edition of the podcast. I'll make sure to ask you how that went, but seems like it's going to be a little bit of a dreary damp windy weekend. It's going to be tough for folks to get out. Will you get a chance to get out and fish at all this weekend?

I'm not sure I've got a wedding on Saturday and then another wedding on Sunday. So it might be tough to sneak something in, but we'll see.

All right my friend, well I hope you enjoy your weekend. We thank you for carving time out of your schedule for your weekly visit here on the podcast and we'll look forward to chatting again in our next episode, which will be in the lovely month of October.

Sounds great Kevin. I'm looking forward to hearing what the rest of the guests have to say on today's show.

Well, next up on today's edition to the podcast is a long lost friend. Our good buddy, Ian Bragden, who's a pro staff captain for the Goose Hummock down in beautiful Orleans, Massachusetts. Ian, I feel like it's been forever since we've had you on a podcast, but thanks for making an appearance.

It's been too long Kevin. Thanks for having me again.

Well, it was good to track you down on a day that's you know, less than optimal for fishing. We've got a lot of severe weather blowing through the area, a lot of thunderstorms, wind and rain, and it looks like it's not gonna be great, unfortunately for the next couple of days. So it's a great time to kind of catch up with you and take the temperature on where we're at with the fall season. How's the offshore bite been? I know you've been out there quite a bit.

Yeah, totally. The fall run here on Cape has officially started. There's just tons of bait. Just a Mecca of bait on all sides of the Cape. You know half beaks are offshore. The tuna fishing has been insane east of Chatham. The commercial guys have been doing great. The price isn't ideal, which means, a lot of people are catching - as well as the recreational fishermen.

A big push of small fish has come in so the troll bite picked up and of course the jig and pop game has been insane. If you can get there early enough and find them through the fog, the jig bite has just been insane. You know I've got buddies marking 10, 20, 30, 40 fish on the screen at once with doubles and triples happening every day. I know my buddies over at Tighten Up Charters and Cape Cod Offshore, Matt and Rob, they've been going out and the top water's been insane.

Then when it slows down, they've been jigging and getting them. So it's been great and it's great to see a smaller class of fish come in for the recreational anglers. It's also good to see the healthy, mature fish come in, you know, for another season.

And speaking of the healthy, mature fish, the commercial fishery has shut down again, right?

Yes. Closed up. So make sure if you do hook into a fish over 73 inches and get it boat side, you're going to want to swim that puppy for 30 minutes and really get 'em kicking again before you shoot them down for your release. You want to give those big fish a fighting chance so they can live and maybe get 'em on a commercial day or so they can help the population out.

Absolutely, that's great intel. With this wind that we're going to get Ian, I think it's going to be a lot of north wind as we move through the weekend. North, Northwest is what I'm seeing at least for the Cape Cod Bay Marine forecast. It's going to blow pretty good. It's going to blow 30, 40 miles an hour, sustained. We're going to have some pretty good seas. What do you think that's going to do to kind of shake up the rec. fishery once we get on the other side of this weather?

Usually these huge storms change everything up when the bite's crazy good. A big storm separates all the bait and spreads out all the fish, so you have got to go find them again. But in this case, I'm kind of excited for this front to push through, just because this will really jump start the fall run. I think it'll push the bait around into some different spots and the tuna will always find the find the bait.

So if you find the bait and kind of set up - they won't be far behind. I'm actually excited to fish after this storm. I think the fall run will really kick off. I think the troll bite will be insane. I think the cast bite will be insane just like it is every October here on Cape and then I think the commercial, the bigger fish, will come in again. I mean, I don't think they'll leave. They're kinda always here, but those small fish will be around for a couple more months so we're excited for that.

And you spoke of the fall run, let's touch on Stripe Bass. It's been a biblical season pretty much inside Cape Cod Bay, as well as outside around the back and to the south. It seems like everybody's been doing really well. I know Monomoy has been very productive. Have you had a great striper season as well?

Yeah, I've been lucky enough to hit the rips a few times with my family and a few clients. The rips just started kicking. Actually my dad went out the other day and had all slot sizes and above, all top water at Monomoy at an early morning tide. So that's great to see that the rips are full again and also the albie fishing has been insane. I've been lucky enough to get a bunch on fly from shore. I know a couple of my buddies have as well. And then again, the boat fishing for albies in the early morning has been epic from all the way from Cotuit up to Monomoy. So we've been loving that, and I know the inshore guys really obsess over those mini tuna. So it's sweet to see.

And I know you're a proud member of Team Goose Ian, but where can folks get in touch with you now? You know, are you still guiding or anything like that?

Yeah, absolutely. I'm still doing some guide trips on the weekend. They can reach out to the Goose Hummock, give Phil a call and he'll send their number to me or feel free to contact me personally. Or even reach out through My Fishing Cape Cod. You know, you guys can shoot people my way and I'd be happy to help any way I can. I also have a lot of great captains that I can send clients to as well. So we have a great system of charter captains here and we are eager to help anybody. The fishing's been insane so make sure to call.

All right Ian, I want to wish you the best for the rest of your fall season. And we look forward to having you on the podcast sometime again in 2023 my friend.

Absolutely. Call anytime Kev, once again it's great to chat with you and I hope to talk to you soon.

Well, next up on this week's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast is proud MFCC member and an invaluable contributor to our My Fishing Cape Cod community - Mr. Mike Marcus. Mike, welcome to the podcast.

Thank you very much, Kevin.

Now the first thing I'd like to ask you, Mike, as a proud MFCC member, I know you love interacting with everybody here in the forum. You've been an invaluable contributor to the forum, and we're going to dive more into that as we get through our conversation. But tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got involved with MFCC.

I joined My Fishing Cape Cod...I believe it was in 2017. I was, you know, looking online because I always enjoy fishing. I was just kind of seeing what was around and what kind of things online there were. I happened on this My Fishing Cape Cod and saw the great deal that Ryan had - you could join for a month for $1 so that was pretty tough to pass on. I joined up and got into it and saw what was going on and the different articles and the videos.

And I said, wow. I said, this is truly outstanding. So needless to say, at the end of the month, I was more than happy to become a member. And like I said it's now been roughly five years and I've met all kinds of nice folks through the website. We go fishing all the time and it's just really been a wonderful source of information and I'm very happy to be part of it.

Now, Mike, I know you're a huge contributor in the MFCC forum, and I want to dive into a particular thread and give you some credit here. Let's go back to the year, 2020. It was really the heart of the pandemic that hit us, the coronavirus pandemic and fishing was one of the, I'll say the really great outdoor activities that you could still do while socially distanced. You started a thread and it's called the Surf Casters thread. It's still near the very top of the MFCC forum. I know hundreds of people have viewed this thread and God knows how many folks have also contributed posts of their own to this thread. Tell us a little bit about how this thread came about.

Absolutely. I've been on a few of the MFCC charters which have always been fun. But most of my time I spend just kind of walking the beaches and surf casting and going through the forum. We have all kinds of topics, but there was not a specific surf casting thread. So I knew there were going to be plenty of guys like myself who liked to surf cast. And I thought it would be kind of nice to put a surf casting thread up there. And I believe I posted it or created it June 2020 and each year I've updated it. Now it says a Surf Caster Thread 2020-2022. And needless to say to my delight, a lot of guys go back and forth on it.

And from that thread a lot of information about what folks do, how they do it, plus rods, reels - I mean if you want to know something about which rods to use for different kinds of conditions then I tell you, we've got some smart guys on there who seem to know all kinds of things about where, when, how, pricing, quality etc.

I'm very impressed with the quality of folks who are in My Fishing Cape Cod and how wonderful it is that they share information and post pictures. I mean, it's really just loaded with stuff. And I certainly couldn't be more happy about it.

And what's come from this is again - we've had three surf casting events. This year we're going to have our second surf casting tournament where we're getting together the guys that really enjoy it. We're just bringing a lot of folks together doing what we like to do and that's, you know, surf casting. So it really kind of snowballed into something where a lot of people I think are enjoying it. And it's going strong to this day.

And Mike, let's talk about that fishing tournament. I believe it's October 15th. Do I have the date correct?

Correct. And as per Ryan's request from last year, last year it was a 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM tournament. It was the same day and we'd meet up at Sandy Neck. They could go anywhere they want on the Cape, but it was during the day and no nighttime fishing. So I think Ryan got a little bit of feedback that some of the guys said, "Hey, we'd like to do nighttime as well". So this year we talked about it. The tournament is from 1:00 PM Saturday October 15th until 1:00 PM Sunday October the 16th. We'll meet up at Sandy Neck and have the awards assembly with prizes and all of that stuff. So this year, if you want to fish all night, be my guest.

The team with the longest two fish wins, and the bass has to be a minimum of 22 inches. Last year for the guys who won - you know Ryan's unbelievable - he got two Van Staal reels as the first place prize. So those are pretty nice prizes. The boys were very happy with that and we had a blast. Everyone had a lot of fun. There was a lot of good competition, and we're going to do it again this year. So who knows what kind of prizes Ryan will come up with, but he always comes up with good ones.

And let's talk a little bit about the surf casting in general right now. I know we're in a little bit of a bad weather patch here. Today's Thursday when we're taping and we are having some really severe weather blow through the area, but it's going to cut the humidity. And a lot of folks are really thinking that this change, this low pressure that's blown through the area is going to ignite the fall run. Give me a little prediction for the other side of this front. What do you forecast happening around here?

All right. Well I tell you Kevin, I've looked into my crystal ball and according to my crystal ball it's saying that there's just loads of bait around. There has been so much bait all over the place from so many of the beaches, both on the south side, the Outer Cape, Cape Cod bay - the canal guys are kind of in their world, but there just seems to be bait everywhere. So I think especially having a little bit of a drop in water temperature could really ignite the stripers to really chow down. And the good news is I don't think they have to go very far to get all the food they want, which I think is very good news for the surf casters among us. And hopefully once things clear up and these fish start to really chow down and move around, I'm really hoping that the end of September into October could be lights out from the surf. We'll see but we can certainly look forward to it and we'll be out there trying - that I can guarantee you Kevin.

I don't want you to give away all your spots or your secrets, but what are your favorite areas to fish from the beach on Cape or in general?

Generally I would say I'm mainly a Cape Cod bay guy. There's lots of nice beaches along Cape Cod Bay. Lots of sand, a few boulder fields around, and you've got miles and miles of beaches. So that I think is kind of my bread and butter, but certainly the South Side beaches, especially early in the season, and hopefully again late. And of course the Outer Cape is spectacular. You go out to the Outer Cape and you just feel that every time you're out there and you're fishing that it's a real privilege because of the history, and what once was out there - it's a special place.

So whether you get anything or not, just going out there is always an adventure and you feel great. If you catch something out there you just feel like a million dollars.

Absolutely. And before I let you go Mike is there anything else kind of on your horizon that you'd like to mention on the podcast or that's going on in the forum so far this year?

Well, needless to say, good luck to all and enjoy the rest of the season. Let's hope the weather continues. And I just have a feeling there's going to be another, maybe 40 pounder plus out there for somebody. So it would be great if it happened during our tournament. Kevin, wouldn't that be something?

Absolutely and that's a great note to end on a positive outlook for the fall run. Mike, best of luck in the tournament. Again the MFCC surf casting tournament is October 15th. There's still plenty of entry places available for that tournament. If you're interested, as Mike mentioned, it's a 24 hour tournament.

Absolutely. All you have to do is just go in the forum and send me a personal message @StriperMadness. All you have to do is tell me who you and your partner are. There's no registration fee so it won't cost anything. It's just a 24 hour tournament to join up and have a lot of fun. We will meet together Sunday at one o'clock at Sandy Neck and Ryan comes loaded with his pickup truck with all kinds of prizes for everybody. So it's just a wonderful event. Thank Ryan for doing such a nice job.

All right, Mike, thanks so much for joining us here on the podcast. It was a pleasure to have you on, and I look forward to getting you on again next year.

Thank you, Kevin.

Well, next up on today's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast is proud MFCC member Bruno Demir from down at beautiful Cape and Islands Mitubishi. Bruno, how are you this week?

I'm doing great Kevin, how are you? Hello, MFCC members here on a windy day on Cape Cod - windy week actually.

Well Bruno I'm doing great and I'm going to start off by saying I know you're a humble guy, but I want to thank you and I also want to thank MFCC member Charlie Lewis. My two go-to resources for recreational lobstering here on Cape Cod. It's something I've kind of dipped my toe into recently Bruno, and you were kind enough to help me set up my pot. I actually brought it right down to your beautiful showroom at Cape and Islands Mitsubishi. We messed around with it. We got it all roped and rigged up. And that pot has been in the water now Bruno for probably almost 10 days. I've pulled it twice and I've got two keeper lobsters on my very first two pulls. So I wanted to start off our conversation by thanking you and thanking Charlie for all the knowledge that you guys have shared with me.

My pleasure buddy. I'm glad to see you're doing so well. And you know, who says you need 15 traps to get a meal? You're getting a meal with one trap, one trip, one boat. So I'm proud of you, man. It's awesome.

Well, along those lines Bruno in terms of getting a meal, you and I spoke on the phone a little bit earlier this week and sounds like you had an epic day out at Monomoy with plenty of meat on the deck.

Geez you know, I don't know what it was. I don't know if the fish knew that the front was changing and the pressure was changing with the storm coming up, but Monomoy was on fire from Monday to Wednesday. I was able to go out on Tuesday and it was an epic day on the water. We actually got the Cape Cod Grand Slam. Do you know what the Cape Cod Grand Slam is by chance Kevin?

I'm guessing it's a combination of different species that you landed or limited out on?

So my buddy captain Tony calls the Grand Slam when you get a bonito, an albie, a blue fish and a striper. So we hit the Grand Slam on Tuesday and we were pretty much doubled up 90% of the time on everything from albies to a couple of really nice bonito up to 22 inches. The striper fishing was unbelievable. I mean we were getting striper over slot and in the slot. They were just fighting everything we threw at 'em. And the bluefish, my goodness, I mean talk about some yellow eye devils. These things were like 31-32 inch blue fish. Blue fish have been unbelievably big this year, but it was just an awesome epic day at Monomoy.

And what was interesting is there wasn't a bird in sight, believe it or not Kevin. No birds on them and they were on a feeding frenzy and we had an unbelievable day with my two good buddies. One of them happens to be a Yarmouth police officer and the other one works at the Yarmouth town hall. So it was nice to take these guys out on the water. Plus they had never caught an albie before. So once they hooked onto one and felt that drag start smoking they were hooked instantly. And I think we ended up going like, I don't know, 10 for 14.

You mentioned Bruno that there was a lack of bird activity. What do you think a lot of these fish were eating in those rips?

You know, we opened a couple of bellies and we found a lot of baby herring, some squid and sand eels. It was a variety of things. For what it's worth, it was the outgoing tide and it was right in the middle of the outgoing tide. And then right around noon, everything kind of died down, but from eight o'clock until noon, it was just lights fishing.

And Bruno I have talked about the rips plenty of times and we've experienced it together. I've experienced it on your boat The Gaviota and it's literally like an all you can eat buffet flushing through there. Especially sometimes on the outgoing.

You know it's a really magical place. You can't really compare it to anywhere else in the world. Monomoy is just Monomoy, and it's just wilderness at its best. The outgoing is good but I can tell you in June and July the incoming is better because it cools the water temperature down sometimes from 65 to 55 degrees and they like to eat in that cold water - so it all depends. It looks like this time of the year they prefer the outgoing in the early morning.

Now Bruno, another thing I want to check in with you on is the offshore bite. I know you're plugged into a lot of these blue fin tuna captains out there. What's the blue fin bite been like this week.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were epic days. Wednesday was even better. I think pre-storm they really started feeding aggressively. There were people were getting them all the way from the Golf Ball down to Crab Ledge out to the Sword. Guys were getting them on the troll with bars - it was an epic three days for the rec guys. Commercial tuna fishing closed on Monday night and Monday was a really big commercial day. There were a lot of fish that were landed. A lot of fish ended up getting picked up in trucks at most of the marinas around Cape Cod. So hopefully they'll be around after this big blow Kevin.

And that leads us into our next topic Bruno. We've got a front that's going to blow through the New England area on Thursday night into Friday. And then we've got a tropical system churning out in the middle of the Atlantic. That's going to affect Bermuda. It's way out there but it's going to throw us some surf. What do you think this wind with these several days of north northwest is going to do to the offshore fishery?

Well as I look into my crystal ball(which is only right 50% of the time, by the way) I can assure you that the fluke bite will be gone. So the shoals and the Nantucket shoals won't have a lot fluke. The majority of the fluke will get out of there and go offshore. What is it going to do to the offshore bite with tuna fish? You know, I think that historically when this has happened and you have a good strong north/northwest/northeast wind, the tuna come in closer. I'm going to bet that I won't be going to the Sword anymore for the rest of the season. This time of the year you can usually get them just east of Chatham inside Crab's Ledge up to the Golf Ball and not far from the beach.

From your lips to God's ears, I hope that's the case and that I can get out with you on the Gavi and go chase some rec fish around next month.

Well I can tell you she's got a full tank of gas and she's all cleaned up and ready to go. We just need this wind to die down so we can get out there.

Last thing I want to check in with you on Bruno is I know some of these windy days when we can't get out, you're able to do some work down at the dealership. You have a great setup. You guys are not just there selling and repairing cars, but rigging lobster pots. Tell me what's going on down at the dealership.

Now that all the kids are back in school folks have some time to get out of the house and come down to the dealership and take a look at the new Mitsubishi Outlander. As I might suggest, it's a seven passenger, so for you folks out there that need enough room for the kids and their friends, our seven passenger Mitsubishi Outlanders are about $10,000 less than a Toyota Honda. So I suggest you owe it to yourself to at least check one out before you decide on which vehicle you're going to buy.

Well, Bruno, thanks so much for checking in with us this week. It's awesome chatting with you. I hope we get to fish in person sometime soon when this wind goes away and we'll look forward to catching up with you in our first October edition of the podcast.

Sounds good Kevin, tight lines everybody and see you guys soon.

About the author 

Kevin Collins

Kevin spent a decade with the New England Patriots and New England Revolution producing podcasts and other digital content. Currently he is the host and producer of the podcasts here on My Fishing Cape Cod. Kevin grew up on the beach in Plymouth, MA and has salt water running through his veins.

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