August 14 2022

Fluke Trip Winners Announced! We Hit Our 5K Goal – to Benefit Boston Children’s Hospital


Congratulations to our first fluke trip winner - Mark Bonvouloir who's been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2017! Mark you will be fishing onboard MFCC member Bruno Demir's 26' Downeast boat the Gaviota. I will also be onboard! If for some reason you are not able to attend the trip, then our alternate/backup winner will be Richard Inman, who's been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2018.

Congratulations to our second fluke trip winner Tim Whitman, who's been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod since April 2022. Tim will be fishing onboard MFCC member Eddy Kooyomjian 21' Steiger Craft. If for some reason you are not able to attend the trip, then our alternate/backup winner will be Richard Banks, who's been a member since 2013.

Any donation of $30 or more got you included in the giveaway for a chance to win spots onboard the fluke trips. I just checked our donation total and we are at $5,170 which has exceeded our goal of $5K. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. Awesome job! 🙌🏻

Today I’m happy to share our 2nd annual Boston Children’s Hospital fundraiser started by longtime My Fishing Cape Cod member Bruno Demir. Last year we raised over $2,000 and this year our goal is to hit $5,000. 

As a bonus, Bruno is going to draw one name out of the donors to go on a fluke fishing trip aboard his 26’ downeast boat the Gaviota! Any donation amount of $30 or more will get you included in the drawing for the fluke trip.

Here is why Bruno decided to start this fundraiser…

Having 3 kids I visit this great hospital whenever my kids are ill. We are fortunate to always walk out the same day, but some families are not that lucky. This donation will go towards their pediatric cancer division research and under privileged families. And the hospital doesn't just stop there. Boston Children's truly understands the importance of training the next generation of top pediatricians and nurses, so they can continue to provide the best, most innovative care possible to kids.

Other reasons why Bruno is so passionate about this cause include...

  • The hospital's patient care programs are remarkably sensitive to what sick and injured children and their families really need.
  • Researchers regularly make amazing discoveries that change children's lives.
  • Boston Children's welcomes kids whose families can't afford health care—more than any other hospital in Massachusetts.
  • Community programs make a point of reaching out to help low-income and at-risk kids.

Help Us Reach Our Donation Goal of $5,000

Any donation of $30 or more will get you included in the giveaway for a chance to win a spot onboard a monster fluke trip with Bruno and Ryan of MFCC on Bruno's 26' Downeast boat the Gaviota!

I will also be attending the fluke trip and I plan on doing some filming and making a video from the day. Footage from this trip could end up being included in season 6 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV on NBC Sports Boston.

Last year My Fishing Cape Cod member Leo Schmidt donated to our Boston Children's fundraiser and he ended up winning the spot onboard Bruno's monster fluke trip!

Then Bruno's cousin Eddy Kooyomjian (also a member of MFCC) surprised us by picking another winner, Rich Chouinard, to go fluke fishing on his boat! Having two boats involved to bring two winners out fluke fishing made for a very memorable day on the water.

The fishing was very productive to say the least. We all caught a bunch of doormat fluke and we even pulled in a few bluefish and other surprise species. I captured a ton of footage and was able to create a TV show episode from the day. You can watch the episode and get an idea of what to expect on this trip by clicking play below.

Thank you in advance to anyone who decides to donate to this cause. I will kick things off by making a $200 donation on behalf of My Fishing Cape Cod.

Thank you all!


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