January 10 2022

Receive FREE Weekly Cape Cod Fishing Updates for the Upcoming 2022 Season


Throughout 2022 we'll be sending out reports, helpful content, fishing tips, and fishing information to help keep you informed and up-to-date.

If you follow along closely with My Fishing Cape Cod, then there's a good chance you already receive these emails from us. 


However if you're brand new to the website, I wanted to make sure you knew about our free weekly emails I send out during the season.

These email updates contain:

  • fishing reports for the Cape Cod area
  • drone and underwater video footage
  • articles from myself and members of the MFCC community
  • helpful tips and advice
  • plus much more

Email updates are 100% free and are sent once every 7-14 days.

I am very respectful of people's email inboxes and I will never spam you with advertising.

Click the button below to get started!

After joining our email list you will receive a welcome email introducing you to the website and letting you know what to expect next.

If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to reach out to me by replying back to the emails. 

Sometimes it may take me a few days to reply back to your inquiry, but I always make sure to respond to every email I receive.

Tight lines! ?

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