April 29 2019

Introducing My Fishing Cape Cod “Fishing Challenges”


Ryan Collins

For the past few years we've run a striped bass derby here on My Fishing Cape Cod. The derby has been a lot of fun!

However, for the 2019 season I have a new idea for a fishing competition that I think will be even more exciting and fun than the derby. 

"MFCC Challenges" will be a new type of fishing competition for members of My Fishing Cape Cod. At least once per month I will post a new challenge, and the first member of My Fishing Cape Cod to complete the challenge will win whatever prize is up for grabs.

The rest of this blog post will explain more about MFCC Challenges, how they will work, who can win, and what prizes are up for grabs.


Who Will Catch The First 40 Inch Striper?

By the end of May 2018, striped bass of greater than 40 inches in length had arrived in the canal and throughout Cape Cod. Last year MFCC members like Dane Wetmore (pictured below) caught a bunch of 40+ inch stripers from the canal, beach and boat. 

This year the first MFCC Challenge will be to see who among the MFCC community will be the first to catch, photograph, and release a bass of around 40 inches or larger. All you need to do when you catch the fish is snap a quality photo like Dane's above. 

Keep the fish wet and hold it horizontally over the water. You don't have to measure the fish. We'll be able to tell from the photo if it was around 40 inches. Just be honest. If you do measure the fish then please keep the fish in the water while measuring.

There is a big emphasis on quality photos that demonstrate proper catch and release methods. Please make sure your photo is of good enough quality for me to share on MFCC.

The striped bass must be caught within the confines of the dotted line in the map below.

All entries can be submitted here via the website.

The winner will receive a My Fishing Cape Cod Canal Plug Bag, plus some lures and other items which I'll share later.

Who Will Catch The First Bluefish?

Each spring is different, but often on Cape Cod we see an influx of bluefish beginning in late May. Usually the southside of Cape Cod from Falmouth to Hyannis, as well as the harbors and rivers of Buzzard's Bay, are good bets for the first bluefish of the year.

This year the second MFCC Challenge will be to see who among the MFCC community will be the first to catch and photograph a bluefish. All you need to do when you catch the blue is snap a quality photo like the one above. 

There is a big emphasis on quality photos. Please make sure your photo is of good enough quality for me to share on MFCC.

The bluefish must be caught within the confines of the dotted line in the map below.

All entries can be submitted here via the website.

The winner will receive a My Fishing Cape Cod Canal Plug Bag, plus some lures and other items which I'll share later.

Do You Have An Idea For A Challenge?

At least once per month I will post a new challenge to the MFCC Challenges page. The first member of My Fishing Cape Cod to complete the challenge will win whatever prize is up for grabs.

The list of potential challenges could go on forever. I'm looking forward to coming up with some creative competitions!

Do you have an idea that would make for a good MFCC Challenge? Please LMK by commenting below! ?

Tight lines,

Do you have an idea for a good MFCC Challenge?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Maybe a challenge later in the season for the biggest before/after trash clean up of your fishing spot. Sadly I tell people the way to find where people fish is to look for nip bottle and trash.

  • First 5 pound sea bass. Dont know what length that should be probably easier. Or a trifecta bottom fish. Tautog,seabass and fluke. That could be a good one. Sermbhard to get too!

  • Was just talking about this with a buddy. A Cape Cod Spring Grand Slam would be to catch a Striper, a Bluefish, and a Trout all in the same day ?

  • How about a “Cape Cod Bouquet” challenge? First person to Catch 3 different (legal sized) species from shore in one day or 4 Species from a boat in one day! The species could be Stripers, Taug, Scup, Sea bass, Weakfish etc…Catch and release is encouraged. This would be a difficult challenge!

  • Here’s an idea Ryan…open for modification of course. I call it the “Keeper Technique Slam.” A keeper/ 28” or larger striper caught on each of the following:
    1 – tube n worm
    2 – topwater plug
    3 – swimming plug (casting or trolling)
    4 – soft plastic rig

    Any order is fine. Submit all photos once the slam is complete, along with date of each catch. No more than 2 submissions from the same date.

    Some interesting and fun ideas coming in.

  • This is a great idea. Get my competitive juices flowing. Definitely need something fly fishing related…

  • Could you keep the past Derby results available on the website?
    The stories and specifics about each catch are a great source of information.

  • First 36 inch striped bass from the beach – not a canal or boat bass.
    First 40 inch striped bass from one of MFCC boat trips.

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