March 23 2018

It’s Trout Time On Cape Cod!


Ryan Collins

The sun is shining bright today and the gale force winds have finally eased off. There is still some snow on the ground but spring is definitely in the air. 

The good folks over at Mass Wildlife have been very busy the past several days, dumping thousands of trout into many of the ponds throughout Cape Cod. 

Yesterday Chris Nashville from the Goose Hummock Shop caught up with the Mass Division of Fisheries and Wildlife as they were stocking the ponds of Brewster. Team Goose shared a pretty cool video of the stocking on their Instagram page which you can check out by clicking play below. 


If you need help getting rigged up for trout fishing, then swing into the Goose Hummock Shop in Orleans and tell them you are from My Fishing Cape Cod. The guys at the shop are very good trout fishermen and I promise they will do their best to get you setup for success. 

About two dozen ponds on Cape have been freshly stocked with trout, and more ponds will be stocked over the coming days. It can take a few days for the trout to become acquainted to their new homes, but once they settle in you can catch them using a wide array of baits, lures and flies. 

Recent Catches Posted By MFCC Members

Our private member forum has sprung to life the past few days with photos and reports of trout coming in from our membership base. There have been some skunkings but generally speaking members like Anthony Besaw have been catching.

Anthony caught 5 rainbows earlier in the week, fishing a pond on Upper Cape Cod. You can read more in this forum thread.

Yesterday MFCC member Stephen Madden encountered some very chunky rainbows. Apparently this fish had been feeding very well at the hatchery before being released into the pond!

As mentioned earlier, you can catch trout using worms, powerbait and shiners, however I personally prefer using lures.

Small spinners have also been working well for MFCC member Stan Pypec, who caught the colorful trout below earlier in the week. 

Member Conor Doherty has been sticking to fishing blown up worms on the bottom, and he has been cleaning up! See below.

Trout Fishing Techniques

We already have a lot of information here on the website concerning trout fishing techniques. Plus if you have episode #3 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV saved on your DVR, then you can review all the techniques that Danny and Sam from the Goose explained during the episode. 

Included below are some more articles and videos here on the MFCC about trout fishing. Give each article a click to access more information. 

Over the next few days be sure to stay tuned to our Member Forum. I am really looking forward to following along with the catches and stories our members will be posting to the forum. Keep up the great work!

In conclusion, right now is a very exciting time of the year. The trout are being stocked, which is a great precursor to the spring striper run which is now just one month away. 

Tight lines ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Pond was on fire today!! Fish being caught by multiple people, flies, power bait and I landed a nice brook on a jerk bait, tight lines!!

    • That is great news Anthony ??

      I was also chatting with Danny from the Goose Hummock yesterday, and apparently he’s caught up to 15 trout in one trip down Cape.

      Sounds like all those stocked fish are settling in quite nicely.

      Tight lines!

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