Welcome to Episode 8 of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast presented by Cape & Islands Mitsubishi and Cape Codder Boats!

Ryan Collins - My Fishing Cape Cod
MFCC Founder & Creator Ryan Collins joins the show first to discuss his latest expedition to Monomoy, and provides a striper and bluefish report. In addition, Ryan gives us some exciting information on the addition of new group trips that will become available to members of MFCC.

Sam Mullin - Goose Hummock Shop
Next up, Sam Mullin of the Goose Hummock joins the show to provide a detailed report on striped bass in Cape Cod Bay, surfcasting the backside beaches, and fishing the freshwater kettle ponds.

Amy Wrightson - Sports Port
Up next, Amy Wrightson of Sports Port in Hyannis joins the program to give us a detailed kayak fishing report from the south side as well as more information on larger striped bass inside Cape Cod Bay.

Mac Fields - Riverview Bait & Tackle
Lastly, Mac Fields of Riverview Bait & Tackle joins the podcast to discuss Nantucket Sound and the striped bass, sea bass, scup, and tuna fisheries.