June 12 2015

Stripers At My Feet | June 12 Report


My phone vibrated with another text from Danya about the great fishing he's been encountering. I finally said enough was enough, and decided to drop everything I was doing and meet up with Danya for a night on the beach.

We began our hike together around 10:30PM in blustery conditions. The wind and surf were perfect according to Danya, and I swear I could feel electricity or some sort of powerful energy in the air.

Catching fish is always just a bonus, but I admit I was eager and pumped-up to experience a good bite in very shallow water, during the middle of the night, on one of Cape Cod most wild beaches.​


Fish On

As we walked together, Danya shared stories and tips he had picked up from fishing with the late Tony Stetzko. I was fascinated by these stories and I look forward to hearing more of them.

For example, I learned that moon position coincides with tide changes. This makes perfect sense but it's something I had never even thought of. After last night I can see why so many people appreciated Tony's unique perspective and understanding of the natural world.

By midnight both Danya and I were yet to catch a fish, or entice a bite. However, Danya reassured me that our chances of hitting a slug of fish would only increase as the tide moved on.

We leapfrogged each other down the shoreline for the next hour. The wind was howling in my face and I figured I probably wasn't casting very far, but Danya emphasized that it didn't matter.

Finally at around 1:15AM it began to happen. I saw Danya's headlamp go on and then I saw a small striper bouncing around in the sand. I rushed over to where Danya was fishing and he informed me that he had just hooked 3 fish in a row.

With renewed energy I began casting, but nothing was biting. Perhaps my technique was wrong, or maybe the fish had disappeared.

I wasn't going to take any chances so I decided to tie on an old reliable plug that's worked incredibly well for me the past 2 seasons. On my first cast I felt a solid bump, set the hook and I was on!​

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  • Nice work Ryan isn’t it the greatest casting into the darkness and pulling in those nocturnal feeders! !!!love it. I’m fishing Tuesday morning for a couple hours,email me if you want to get in on the action

    • Yes it is hard to beat catching fish on the beach at night! Such a terrific experience that never gets old.

      I’m off Cape Tuesday but best of luck! I hope you find some life.

  • Nice report. Beaching 2 fish at once is pretty cool, nice job. I will be there in 2 weeks, hope they hang around for me. I got my teasers all ready.
    I love the surf fishing reports.

  • Hey ryan,

    I hit one of my local beaches last night in the Plymouth area. Used needle fish plugs and picked up a few schoolies. How exactly do u tie your teaser rig on because I find that it tends to get tangled a lot. I am not a member of your site because I unfortunately have to save all my money to pay for college right now. (haha). But any advice you could share would be awesome. Fee free to email me as well.

    Tight Lines

  • Hey Ryan
    I always visit the cape once or twice a year down from Ontario Canada. I usually surf fish the outer cape from Coast guard beach up .I am down till june 20 and wonder if you had some recommendations on places i should hit as so far no luck yet !
    Thanks Pete

    • That would be a great area to fish right now Pete! Lots of life out there.

      I would definitely fish at night if you can. The beaches all around you have been producing.

      Seville Magic Swimmers are a good bet right now because there’s a lot of sea herring and mackerel around.

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