Kevin Collins
In today's podcast we will cover the arrival of 30+ inch stripers and some rumored 40+ inch fish to select spots throughout the waters surrounding the Cape & Islands.
However, stripers are not the only species you can target this weekend. Black sea bass season opens today in Massachusetts, plus the scup and tautog fishing is still good.
As always we are joined in this podcast by MFCC founder Ryan Collins, Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle and a brand new guest calling in - captain Shawn Brule of TowBoatUS Cape Cod/Plymouth.
Ryan Collins
MFCC Founder
In this episode, Ryan gives us a full surf-casting and boat report on Cape Cod Bay and Buzzards Bay as well as an update on the MFCC Derby.
Ryan reports on hooking stripers as large as 36 inches this week from shore, plus he fills us in on the scup and tautog fishing, as well as some impressive striper surface feeds under birds.
Shawn Brule
TowBoatUS Cape Cod/Plymouth
Capt. Shawn joins the MFCC Podcast for the first time ever to provide some helpful advice on boat safety and maintenance. Shawn also explains the value of a TowBoatUS Cape Cod/Plymouth membership and how easy it is to obtain one.
Joining TowBoatUS Cape Cod/Plymouth is a no-brainer for anyone listening to this podcast who owns a boat. If you ever break down on the water, then you'll be very happy (and relieved!) that you have TowBoat.
Jeff Miller
Canal Bait & Tackle
Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle joins the podcast with very, very interesting news coming from the Cape Cod Canal. If you plan on fishing the canal this weekend, then you definitely do not want to miss this podcast episode with Jeff.
During our call with Jeff you will learn what happened yesterday, and all this week at the canal. This conversation with Jeff is absolutely worth a listen.
To listen to today's podcast, please make sure you are logged-in as a MFCC member, and then click play below.
good job guys!