May 25 2016

May 25th Surfcasting Video Report


Ryan Collins

Yesterday I had a terrific opportunity to play golf with two longtime members of My Fishing Cape Cod.

Jeff Richard and Warren Fairbanks, if you are reading this please know I had a great time, despite my inability to break 100!

​Once golf was finished I immediately set to preparing my gear, food, tackle and equipment for a long night of surfcasting the beaches of Cape Cod.

My plan was to surfcast a deep channel during the first part of the incoming tide, and then focus on fishing the flats during the first part of the outgoing tide.​


This 7 minute video recaps my experience last night and part of this morning, exploring and fishing one of Cape Cod wildest areas.

Please login to MFCC or start a $1 trial to access the full video.

What do you think?​

Let me know
by commenting below 

  • Great job putting in your time! Just shows people you don’t just go out and hit 30#ers all the time. Sounds like a pretty successful trip overall and great work getting the video of the trip.

    • Glad you enjoyed it Richard! I have another video in the making, but I got skunked! Nevertheless it was another good night on the beach, this time with my buddy Danya Mahota who is a wealth of good info.

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