June 12 2019

MFCC Challenges Update


Ryan Collins

MFCC Challenges are new fishing competitions for members of My Fishing Cape Cod.

About once per month I will post new challenges, and the first members to complete the challenges will win whatever prizes are up for grabs.

The first-ever MFCC Challenge was to see who would be the first to catch a 40 inch striped bass. 

Today I would like to update you on the winners and also unveil the next set of MFCC Challenges which are live starting today!


The First 40 Inch Striped Bass

Kevin Conway of Barnstable was the first member to catch a 40 inch striped bass on May 30th and submit it through the website.

Nice job bud!

Learn more about Kevin's catch

Kevin's prize for being the first to complete this challenge is a My Fishing Cape Cod plug bag.

Additional Winners!

I apologize for not updating the MFCC Challenges in a timely manner!

As a result, several more beautiful 40+ inch bass were caught and submitted through the website, before I got the chance to announce that the challenge had already been completed.

John Figmic caught and released a 40+ incher on June 5th. 

Learn more about John's catch

MFCC member Andrew Thomas also caught and released a 40+ inch beauty on June 5th.

Learn more about Andrew's catch

As prizes for submitting 40 inch bass, both John and Andrew will receive a Flying Pencil and a Flying Popper from Ocean Born!

New Challenges

Live as of today are a brand new set of MFCC Challenges. 

You will be able to view the challenges and see what prizes are up for grabs by visiting the new MFCC Challenges webpage.

Do you have an idea for a great challenge? Please LMK by commenting below!

Tight lines ?

Do you have an idea for a challenge?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Would be nice to have a challenge for flyfishermen— certainly could be a size challenge or perhaps a flats challenge. 40” is tough for a flyrodder but not unknown— i did c&r one from the flats a few seasons back

  • Congrats to the winners! Glad we have a few new challenges to work towards! It’s always fun to try for a challenge! Makes me put my thinking cap on!Thanks

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