December 20 2021

Introducing Monomoy Tackle – Our Newest Sponsor!


My Fishing Cape Cod is proud to welcome Monomoy Tackle to our growing list of Cape Cod business based sponsors.  

What began with making a few rigs and lures for friends and family, has quickly turned into a "boutique" tackle company serving anglers throughout New England and even New Jersey.  


Monomoy Tackle was started in 2020 by My Fishing Cape Cod member Eddy Kooyomjian (pictured above).

Eddy makes a variety of different lures, including bottom fishing rigs for cod, haddock, and black sea bass.

Eddy invests a lot of time and energy into hand-tying each and every rig. 

Monomoy Tackle's spoon rigs have also been hot sellers. They are specifically designed for catching big fluke.

Eddy has now expanded into making resin jigs for false albacore fishing, as well as many other different types of lures. 

You can view his full inventory by visiting his website

Why We're Teaming Up With Monomoy Tackle

One of our missions at MFCC is to support small businesses and to help each other grow.  

Eddy from Monomoy Tackle has also been a terrific contributor inside our members forum. His posts about how to fish the Monomoy rips for fluke, stripers, bluefish and more have been extremely helpful.

In addition, I had several opportunities during the 2021 season to fish with rigs from Monomoy Tackle, and the results have been great!

For example, here is some video footage of Eddy's fluke spoons in action. Click play below to watch! 👇

Members-Only Discount Code

Eddy from Monomoy Tackle has also created a members-only discount code that My Fishing Cape Cod members can use on his website to receive 10% off any order.

To view the code, simply make sure you are logged-in to My Fishing Cape Cod with username and password, and then click the toggle below. If you are unable to view the discount code, then please login or start a membership.

Click here to view discount code

Please login or start a membership to view the discount code.

In Conclusion

Stay tuned this winter for more content and TV show episodes featuring lures and rigs made by Eddy of Monomoy Tackle!

In addition, if you are a small business on Cape Cod and are interested in joining our team, then please reach out.

I'm as flexible as possible with my sponsorship opportunities and enjoy teaming up with local businesses when it makes sense.

Tight lines! 🎣

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Yeah! The comments are back! Eddy put together a great package for my brother for Christmas! My brother was thrilled! I am happy to support his business and happy he may get another customer or 2 from me! (I have a brother in law in Westport too!) Thanks Eddy!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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