July 18 2020

Striped Bass Attacks Tube | Never Before Seen Images


ryan collins my fishing cape cod breakfast

The tube and worm is a highly effective striper fishing technique, especially on Cape Cod during the heat of the summer.

All my life I have enjoyed trolling tubes throughout Cape Cod, both during the day and during the night.

Over the years I've had success with the tube and worm in Cape Cod Bay, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound and off the Outer Cape. It's a technique that probably works almost everywhere stripers swim.

However, up until the other day I had never before seen exactly how striped bass attack tubes. Today I'm excited to share with you a series of images that capture the tube and worm bite.


The Deadly Tube & Worm

The following images were taken about ten days ago on July 9th. In these images I am using a 20 inch red tube and worm, which would be my number one choice for a tube.

You may notice in the image below that there is no sea worm on the tube. That's because the worm had already been nipped off the hook by another bass.

 I highly recommend tipping your tubes with a fresh sea worm. The bigger the sea worm the better, but even a tiny little piece of worm can help to generate a bite. I believe scent and taste is important when trolling tubes.

However as you're about to see, this particular striped bass didn't seem to mind the worm's absence.

After watching hours of underwater footage, I have seen just how sensitive and in-tune striped bass are to anything that enters their mouth. 

For example, this bass initially chomped down hard on the tube and hook.

Based on the image above you would think the sharp steel hook would've instantly penetrated into the jaw of the bass.

Yet somehow the fish must have felt the hook and tube, and within an instant spit the entire rig out.

This entire sequence of events occurred in less than 3 seconds.

Based on these images, I estimate that this striped bass was probably around 36 inches in length.

striped bass swimming away from red tube and worm

During the summertime on Cape Cod I have a lot of confidence with the tube and worm, and here on My Fishing Cape Cod we have an extraordinary amount of resources for tube and worm trolling.

If you are a member of My Fishing Cape Cod and would like to learn more about trolling tubes, then please click here to open our entire tube and worm trolling database of articles, reports and videos.

Best of luck if you are able to get out fishing this weekend! 

For the latest updates on the bite around the Cape & Islands, please be sure to login to our forum to view all the updates being shared by our members.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Great pictures….I know it takes time to scroll the video to find these gems but its really appreciated. Gives so much additional perspective, especially to someone like me who is being re-introduced to this type of fishing. Thanks!

  • Awesome article Ryan!!! Love the tube and worm and as a former rod builder you’re advice on equipment is once again spot on!!! Anyone interested in talking more about equipment look me up I’ve got a few rods and reels I’d be happy to discuss

    • While the tubing material is similar, the diamond jigging technique is much different. Diamond jigs are usually used to imitate sand eels, while no one really knows for sure what the tube and worm imitates. If I had to guess, I would wager most bass “think” the tube is a giant sea worm, wriggling slowly through the water.

  • Cool footage! Curious…did the bass always attack the tube at the back? Or did any grab the front or the middle of the tube?

    • Hey Al ?? The vast majority bit the end of the tube, but there was one bass that hit the middle of the tube. I will put together some video clips and share them on the site soon. Keep me posted with any other questions! ??

  • Your underwater pics are fascinating and interesting as usual – somehow bass can swallow and spit out a lure quickly, even with treble hooks and most times the angler has no idea what just happened. Too bad we can’t attach your underwater camera to our fishing rods.

    • I’m definitely impressed at their ability to detect the hook or anything unnatural. Of course they are easy to fool when they are blitzing, but the rest of the time not so much!

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