Recently I was chatting with longtime MFCC member Dex Chadsey (@monomoy) about “lure overload” which is an issue that many of us anglers who’ve been fishing for years encounter. Eventually we find that our basements, boats, trucks and tackle bags are literally overflowing with lures that we never use!
That’s when Dex proposed a new idea to help curve the issue and help many of us downsize our collections and reduce clutter. For right now I’m calling it “Lure Recycling for Kids” but if someone has a catchier name please let me know because I’m all ears!
Essentially what we’re going to do is collect useable lures as a way for MFCC members to help jumpstart the journey of young aspiring anglers. As Dex told me, “The fact that some of these lures have been used and actually caught fish might be more appealing than something that has never seen a beach or boulder field.”
Dex has volunteered to spearhead this new lure recycling initiative. What Dex can do is collect donated lures at one MFCC event, bring them home and polish them up with new split rings, hooks etc., and then make them available at the next MFCC event to kids under the age of 18.
The first collection of lures will happen this Sunday 8am at Sandy Neck Beach in Barnstable. To make it easy for Dex, please bring your lures packed in a box or bag of some sort. I already have dozens of lures I have not used in years, packed into a box and ready to go for Dex!

Thank you again Dex for this idea and for volunteering to spearhead it. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Perhaps some of you folks who are reading this will swing by Sandy Neck this Sunday September 29th at 8am with your own lures for recycling.
Tight lines!
Great idea! An option for the name “Lure-go-Round” program.
Good idea, I like it. Others like Carl Johansen (@ANGLER) were incredibly generous with both knowledge and gear when I was first starting out. I have plugs/jigs/etc and possibly a bag I’d be happy to pass along.
This is a great idea I had even recently thought about. I will have plenty to donate. 😃