May 26 2014

Heading Off-Road In Search Of Stripers


My father and I had to move quickly if we wanted to make the tide before sunset. It was late in the day and we still had another 7 miles of beach driving, and 1 mile of beach hiking left to do before we would arrive at the spot.

The weather was picture perfect. Not only was I planning to catch a few bass, but I was also planning on flying my quadcopter, so I could capture some of the gorgeous scenery that surrounded my father and I, and share it with you here on the blog.

Cape Cod Fishing Report | Heading Off-Road

cape cod fishing report offroad

The drive was a piece of cake and very enjoyable. We passed loons, terns, piping plovers and variety of bird life. Last time out on this beach I saw whales, so I kept my eyes peeled for them as well.

My plan was to drive to a particular spot along the beach and then hike on foot to a point of land which provided fishing access to a very strong current.
hiking and fishing cape cod

In this spot the bottom drops off dramatically and it is common to find bass here.

With limited time I felt that the trio of a point of land, current and a dramatic drop-off would provide me with my best chance of hooking up before it got dark.
cape cod offroad fishing report

Below is a "teaser" video of this fishing trip.

As always, MFCC members can access the full report and the full video by clicking here or on the Full Report button at the bottom of this page.

extended cape cod fishing report button



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