Based off the reports that were being shared inside the 2023 Tuna thread in our members' forum, it sure seemed like the action had been good. That's why I jumped at the opportunity when My Fishing Cape Codder Chris Demma invited me to join his friends on a trip south of Martha's Vineyard this past Monday July 17th.
For this trip we would be fishing with Big Game Fishing out of Snug Harbor Rhode Island. That meant I needed to wake up early - really early! My alarm was set for 1:30am but I ended up waking up naturally around 12:45am. Getting good night's sleep before a big fishing trip is oftentimes a challenge. I am sure many of you who are reading this can relate!

Captain Peter Bacon has been fishing southern New England waters for over three decades. Peter, his brother Brian Bacon, and business partner Shamus Mara operate Rhode Island's premiere charter boat fleet, Big Game Sport Fishing.
I arrived at the marina early before anyone else and all was quiet. I took the opportunity to get all my drone and camera gear organized and ready, before we hopped onboard at 5am sharp. The wind was calm but the seas were still rough and the swell was still big from the high winds that had blown through the region all day Sunday and into Sunday night.
Fortunately we were on a 53 foot sport fishing boat that could definitely handle it. The only question was whether or not our crew could handle it! It was not long before sea sickness struck Dale, one of Chris's friends.

Dave was the next one to get ill, and for the first time in my life I myself felt a little woozy. Sea sickness is no joke and I felt really bad for Dave and Dale who would be battling sea sickness for the next 10 hours. I would wish that upon no one.
Upon arrival at the Dump, captain Peter Bacon and his mates Nate and Hunter set out a spread consisting of green and purple spreader bars, and a green daisy chain. We trolled along at around 6 knots and the water temperature was in the mid 70's. We were hoping for yellowfin tuna, but it seemed that Sunday's high winds had pushed some of the hotter water out of the region.

Don't let the photo fool you! The swells were big and conditions earlier in the morning before this photo was taken were quite rough and uncomfortable. I give Dale and Dave a lot of credit for sticking it out despite sea sickness!
Pretty quickly into the troll we noticed one of the rods seemed a bit heavy and the spreader bar was not trolling properly.
Hunter reeled in the line and we had actually caught a bonito - the first I've seen this year! Obviously it was not the target species and it put up no fight at all on the heavy tackle, but it was still cool to see.

We kept the bonito for food and Nate and Hunter reset the lines.
Perhaps about 30 minutes later one of the green starboard side spreader bars got slammed. This was no bonito. Line was peeling from the reel and we figured we had hooked either a yellow or bluefin tuna!
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The full report is only available to members of My Fishing Cape Cod.
Bonine works way better than Dramamine. My kid is seasick prone and Dramamine didn’t work. A cape captain said to use Bonine and it was a game changer for him.
Thank you for the intel!
Patch from doc worx the best ,just sayn
Roger that. Thanks for the recommendation. 👍
October/November tog trips can be gnarly! If one is prone to sea sickness, it is wise to not stress your system the day before, get lots of sleep and take a Dramamine as soon as you wake up for your trip (at least an hour ahead of departure)…
Thanks for the tip. I’ve also been told that taking Equate Non Drowsy Motion Sickness pills 12 hours before a trip can work really well.
The picture of the boys puking off the side of the boat together is classic.
Reminds me of my tog trip with @little-sister-charters last fall. Only time I’ve ever gotten sea sick and I might argue it was more to do with the previous nights’ activities but that’s not here nor there. I never did stop puking that day, but I never stopped fishing either. Puke and reel puke and reel!
I have a lot of respect for guys like yourself who battle through the sea sickness without asking to go back in. I know it’s horrible!
My heart was beating faster just reading along, great read
Glad you enjoyed the report Chris. I was hoping for a yellowfin but it was still a great day with some new friends in some waters I have not fished much. Hope you have a good weekend!