Trout fishing on Cape Cod during late fall through the winter months can be a frustrating time for any angler. Expect high winds, temperature swings, rain, and snow.
Luckily, there are some warmer days with low winds, where the trout are rising. In theory, this sounds great, however the warm weather can cause trout to be extremely finicky. Primarily the trout are focused on the bug hatches on the surface, which is great for fly fishing, but not for spin gear.
Factoring in these variables, an angler must make adjustments for each outing. Earlier in December I found myself in this exact scenario. After going through my entire tackle box, full of jerk baits, spoons and spinners, the trout just wouldn’t bite.

The JLD series Baker pictured above is a popular jerk bait for trout fishing on Cape Cod.
I did find success when I switched to an atomic tube jig (see image below), but unfortunately, after a dozen rainbows, the tube jig hook snapped.

It was time to get creative. I knew I needed to switch to something much smaller and lighter to catch the trout’s attention and keep them on the line.
I came up with an idea – why not combine a trout magnet (1/64oz jig head), and a Powerbait worm (3/8”cm Berkley powerbait floating trout worm, pink shad).

The combination of these two proved an instant success. The lure was the right weight - it would sink to the bottom, but at a slow speed.
The slow sink rate is key because it allows the trout to examine the bait before it reaches bottom.

One of many trout Anthony caught and released during this trip!
While sinking, I made sure to give it a very slight jig, just enough to create worm movement to queue the trout’s interest.
I really like that idea can you get it in California I’m a trout fishing fanatic i love it,.
Hey Allen! Yes you can order them from The Mighty Fish and have them shipped out to you. Here are some links. 👍
Trout Magnet 9 piece
Trout Magnet lead-free jig heads