January 11 2014

Webinar #3 – How To Make The Most Efficient Plan For Fishing Cape Cod’s Beaches


One of my favorite ways to fish Cape Cod is from the beach. You may already know this if you followed along on MFCC this past season. I spent as much time as I could on the sand!

The beach is just a nice place to be and an even better place to fish. The real 1-2 punch happens when you’re enveloped by a beautiful environment and happen to stumble across great striped bass fishing.

So how do you start fishing Cape Cod’s beaches? Do you just pick any plug and beach, take some casts and hope for the best?

If you have never fished Cape Cod’s beaches before, the challenge of finding and catching even just one or two small bass can be daunting.

But if you’re going to fishing, I think you might as well do everything you can to improve your odds. The more experience and good information you consume, the more fish you’ll catch.

The challenge is that really good surfcasting opportunities are few and far between. The fish may only show up at a certain time of the season, at a precise time of the day, just when the tide is perfectly right.

There are certain strategies and basic information you can learn that will dramatically increase your odds of Cape Cod striped bass fishing success from the beach.

You see, when striped bass swim close enough to shore to reach with a cast from the beach, there is a good chance they are in hunting mode. If they weren’t, they would be wasting their time in shallow. This is your make or break moment as an angler.

By using the plan I am going to share in this webinar, you will recognize these moments better, and take advantage of them before the bass of your dreams wanders away, never to return.

In fact, creating an efficient plan will probably have the single largest impact on your surfcasting compared to any other change you could make inside of 15 minutes. The results can be MASSIVE. I’ve seen it time and time again.

If you hit the beach without a plan, you’re missing out on all those make or break moments. The opportunities to catch a 20 or 30 pound striped bass from shore are WHOOSHING out the door.

Don’t beat yourself up. We ALL miss these opportunities. No matter an angler’s experience level, the chosen strategy, or the plan, we all miss incredible surfcasting opportunities that most of the time we will never even know about. The fish do as they please and are inherently unpredictable.

But you can really increase your odds with a good plan. I’m going to show you how to create this plan the very first time (or help improve upon your current strategies if you’re already up and running).

Here are a few of the things I’m going to show you how to do:

  1. Get started on the right track with 1 fishing setup you can use in almost any Cape Cod striped bass fishing situation
  2. Know which plugs and bait to take with you to the beach
  3. Judge when fishing from shore is probably just a waste of time
  4. Design the layout for your fish-finding strategy that will help put you on the fish

I’m going to show you how to apply all of these to your Cape Cod surfcasting plan in my next free webinar. And there won’t be any other way to get the information. This webinar is your only chance.

Before the webinar is over, you’ll know exactly what to change in your fishing plan. None of these changes are hard to figure out or implement. Seriously, these are some of the quickest changes you’ll make in your fishing, and you’ll have a hard time matching the impact they’ll register.

When is the webinar?

Day: Monday, January 20, 2014

Time: 09:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST

Presenter: Ryan Collins

Format: An amazing journey into the world of Cape Cod surfcasting

Register NOW By Clicking Here

Sneak Peeks

The beaches you choose to fish can have a HUGE impact on your fishing and picking the wrong ones can lead to some not-so-exciting fishing opportunities…

cape cod beach fishing

If you’re already catching a few small fish from the beach, then you are definitely on the right track. Even finding just a few small fish is a great sign. I’ll show you why you are so close to having success with the “big boys.”

cape cod striped bass surfcasting

Then I’m going to show how to always be adjusting your plan, and why it’s so important. This is the single most important lesson on surfcasting that I can teach you. And I’ll share with you the exact way to do it.

cape cod shore fishing

That’s just the beginning. We’ll cover how much and what type of gear you should have, what to include in your tackle box and whether or not fishing stationery baits is a good option for you.

Register NOW By Clicking Here

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below for more information.

Tight lines and see you on the webinar!


provincetown fishing massachusetts

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