June 29 2012

Weekend VIDEO Fishing Forecast | June 30 – July 1


Cape Cod Fishing

cape cod fishing
There's been many bass over 30 pounds taken this past week off Cape Cod.

The weather this past week was a little nutty at times, but all in all we enjoyed a nice week on the water.  There's plenty of life in Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound and off the Outer Cape for those who are hoping to find some good action this weekend.

I'm no scientist but I will go out on a limb and say that it seems like the bass are starting to think about settling into their summer time routines.  There's a big bulk of fish that moved north across Nantucket Sound to Chatham and bass in Cape Cod Bay are starting to show up in their deep water haunts.  Spring is behind us - well, sort of!

There's still some incredible top water action going on out there for folks who like to cast plugs.  For guys like me who prefer live bait, live mackerel is still an option.  Bunker spoons and the tube and worm have been working well on big fish for the trolling crowd.

I'm a little short on time today/this weekend so instead of typing up a full forecast I went ahead and put together a couple videos depicting the areas that I personally know fished well this past week.

For the Cape Cod Bay video forecast and spots that should produce well click here or on the below image.

For the Cape Cod Canal video forecast and spots that should produce well click here or on the below image.

I have not been able to get down to check out the good bite at Monomoy, but I hope to the beginning of next week.  I'm planning on fishing the area from shore so we will see what happens.

For more information on fishing the Monomoy area, I recommend checking out Goose Hummock's fishing report section.  A few of the charter captains down that way do a nice job of writing up quality reports - and we all know how valuable reliable information is when planning a fishing trip.

On the Water also does a nice job of checking in with all the local tackle shops, so I recommend heading on over to their website for a good read as well.

For the latest on the tuna bite check out John Bunar's Massachusetts Fishing Report.  Maybe one of these days I will find the time to get out tuna fishing again!

Have a great weekend and I'll be sure to post anything I hear over the weekend regarding hot spots and fast action in the members forum.

Tight lines and take care,




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