September 13 2015

1,000 Stripers in 1ft of Water


In this clip I'm standing in the middle of what I estimate to be 1,000 stripers in the 10-30 pound class, as they swim in 1ft of water. The fall migration is on!

I stuck my GoPro Hero 3 camera into the water as the bass encircled me. Fish as large as 30 pounds swam within 10 feet of my legs. This school of striped bass would later "erupt" on acres of peanut bunker, presenting me with the best surfcasting experience of my 2015 season.

Fortunately there were no seals around, however I have actually witnessed this behavior before with seals nearby. I would LOVE to encounter this action next weekend when I walk and fish the 23+ mile stretch of beach from Nauset Inlet to Race Point.

Click play below to watch this video. The lighting is not good due to lack of sunlight, however if you look closely you will see the bass cruising just above the sandbar.

MFCC members can also download 3 HD photos taken during this trip and 2 Google Earth images of the sandbar fished.


Member Downloads

3 HD photos taken during
this trip

2 Google Earth images of
the sandbar fished

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • Hey Ryan what type of camera are you using to get the shots you did of the stripe bass passing by? Would like to get one of these when I am close to whales. thanks, Jerry

  • Some crazy things happen in the fall, its all about being at the right place at the right time. Sounds like a memorable experience!

  • great footage. i am thinking about fishing in the am. shoot me a pm or email so i can ask you a few general questions.

    • Fire away with the questions Brandon. I will probably be on the computer for a bit today and tomorrow.

      Where about are you planning on fishing? I see in the forum you mention Nantucket.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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