October 12 2018

Cool Weather & Hot Fishing | 2018 MFCC Podcast Finale


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to the final episode of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast for the 2018 season! We recorded this episode earlier today (Friday, October 12th) to provide you with the most up to date Fall run reports. 

​In this week's podcast, you'll get the latest reports as big ​striped bass begin to push south. ​Bluefin tuna are also still in abundance, and tautog fishing is very good. There are still plenty of options for Cape Cod anglers as we continue into the Fall!

As always we are joined in this podcast by MFCC founder Ryan Collins and Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. Additionally, we have ​our regular offshore report contributor calling in from Lower Cape Cod - ​Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock.


Ryan Collins

MFCC Founder

We kick off t​he final episode of the season with a call to MFCC founder Ryan Collins, ​who has been targeting a variety of species on Cape Cod lately. 

Ryan ​provides us with a full striped bass report for a variety of areas on Cape Cod. Bluefin tuna fishing is also excellent, so Ryan and Captain Cullen are offering​ group trips when the weather and fish cooperate - you can learn more here!

Jeff Miller

Canal Bait & Tackle

Next up is our good friend Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. We ​check in with Jeff ​one more time on the podcast during the 2018 season for the latest ​Cape Cod Canal intel.

During our call with Jeff you'll get the latest information on striped bass in the canal - ​​along with the best times, tides, and to target them. Things are shaping up for great action in the coming days. 

​Sam Brown

The Goose Hummock

We will cap off today's podcast episode ​by checking in with ​Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis, who you might recognize from season #1 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV on NBC SportsBOSTON.

​Sam gives us a full offshore report that includes excellent fishing for bluefin tuna of all sizes. Freshwater fishing is looking very good as many ponds on Cape Cod have been freshly stocked with trout.

To listen to today's podcast, please make sure you are logged-in as a MFCC member, and then click play below.

  • I want to thank Kevin and all of the guests that have made the podcast a go to program each week. Can’t forget Ryan and Lauren for making the MFCC site a wealth of information to make every fisherman better and the fun using the forum, that covers everything fishing, under the sun. Looking forward to see what Ryan has up his sleeve in the off season.

  • Another great podcast . Thanks to all involved each week the information that we get from them helps our odds off being in the right place at the right time.It is much appreciated.
    Ronan Stokes

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