February 12 2020

Saturday Feb. 22 Breakfast Update


Ryan Collins

I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing you at the Saturday February 22nd My Fishing Cape Cod Breakfast!

This year's breakfast is shaping up to be a great event, and we already have 70 people registered to attend.

If you know anyone who you think might be interested in joining us, then please forward them this online registration link.


 The breakfast will begin at 8:30am and will include a great spread of food, so make sure to bring your appetite!

This will also be a great opportunity to meet and network with other people from MFCC, while having a chance to win fishing trips, gear and other awesome raffle prizes.

Money raised from this year's raffle will go to the Cape & Islands Veterans Outreach Center. Here are some of the items that are up for grabs:

  • 2 Penn 30W conventional reels with matching rods. These are perfect setups for trolling for bluefin tuna and other offshore species.
  • Half day fishing charter with MFCC member captain Steve Leary of Wingman Sportfishing. Steve fishes Cape Cod Bay from his home port of beautiful Barnstable Harbor.
  • Cape Cod clamming trip with MFCC member Richard Banks. This will be a wonderful (and delicious!) opportunity to learn how to dig for clams on Cape Cod.
  • Brand new Tsunami SaltX 6000 Spinning Reel valued at $369 donated by MFCC member Donald Braccialarghe.
  • 1/2 day sight fishing for Carp charter with Geoff from Brackish Flies
  • A waterproof surf bag from Striper Gear donated by MFCC member Chris Gonyer.
  • Two fly fishing lessons with MFCC member Dex Chadsey.
  • A beautiful wooden homemade topwater squid plug + an amazing brook trout drawing from artist and MFCC member Anthony Besaw.
  • 1/2 day fishing charter with MFCC member and Barnstable firefighter captain Kyle Wiley

The breakfast will run from 8:30AM-10:30AM (you can leave whenever you need to) and it will be held at the Brookside Golf Club, 11 Brigadoone Rd, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 (behind Falmouth Toyota).

The breakfast will run from 8:30AM-10:30AM (you can leave whenever you need to) and it will be held at the Brookside Golf Club, 11 Brigadoone Rd, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 (behind Falmouth Toyota).

I've included some photos below from past MFCC Breakfasts. ?

Again I'm really looking forward to seeing you on February 22nd! If you have any friends or family who would like to attend (even if they aren't members of My Fishing Cape Cod) then please feel free to invite them. We do allow people to pay at the door, however registering online is always best.

Tight lines and please LMK if you have any questions. ?

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