May 30 2014

Losing A 30 Pounder In Just Inches Of Water


The sky was dark as I made my way over, around, and through boulders the size of trucks. It was 4AM and I had roughly one hour before sunrise.

My destination was an exposed boulder field where I felt I had a good chance of encountering a decent size bass in skinny water.

The tide was incoming, the winds and waves were calm, and I had a promising feeling about my chances of hooking a good size striper.

An Unexpected Surprise

About midway through my hike I was startled by an abrupt grunt in the dim morning light.

I turned to my immediate left and there among the rocks was a seal, which I had probably just awoken from sleep.

If you leave the beaten path and "get out there" you will encounter some very interesting animals and creatures here on Cape Cod.

Aside from the seal, I have stumbled across fox, raccoon, deer and a 4-5 foot long black snake during this recent Lower Cape Cod surfcasting trip.

After saying goodbye to the seal I continued walking (stumbling really) through the rocks en route to a specific boulder field which produced well for me during October of 2013.

It had been 7 months since I cast a line here and I was chomping at the bit big time.

Swimming Plug Elicits Big Time Strike

Bass in this area of Cape Cod love to eat pogies. Stripers who are zoned in on pogies are aggressive and a good way to fool them is to use big swimming plugs.

So a swimming plug is what I chose to fish with this morning. Finally I arrived at the spot, just as the sun peeked over the eastern horizon. I had a good feeling being so far out, in a very fishy spot, right at sunrise.

The below video depicts exactly what happened on my very first cast with the swimming plug.  

Extended Fishing Report (available to MFCC members) contains:

  • Additional photos of the areas fished
  • Information about techniques used and places fished

extended fishing report button




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