Kevin Collins
Welcome to 25th edition of the MFCC Podcast. This is your host Kevin Collins and it's a pleasure to be back with you for another week.
The weather is wet and wild right now on Cape Cod, but we still have an action packed show for you this week.
The fall run is definitely underway with stripers, albies, school tuna and true giant bluefin tuna biting in the canal and off the coast of the Cape. However who knows how these near gale force winds will affect the bite...

We start things off with MFCC creator Ryan Collins who was surfcasting off the southside of Cape Cod earlier this morning. Ryan found bass up to 20 pounds today, and bass up to 30 pounds earlier in the week from the beach.
Ryan also shares with us a story about losing what was probably a 500+ pound giant bluefin tuna while fishing with MFCC captain Cullen Lundholm. Finally he wraps up the conversation by letting us know about the 2nd annual MFCC Derby, and new forum fascilitator Ryan Turcotte.

Then we speak with our friend captain Eric Stewart of the Goose Hummock Shops. In this episode Eric shares information about where he found tremendous false albie feeds his last trip out before this big NE blow.
According to Eric, some boat anglers are still catching dozens upon dozens of keeper-size striped bass off the Outer Cape. The tuna bite (especially on school tuna) has been tremendous as well, but everyone is waiting to see how things work out after all this NE wind.

Before the big blow, Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle was weighing in bass of up to 46 pounds. Tuesday in particular was very good, right before the NE storm started. Jeff credits the good bite to an influx of squid and whiting.
Jeff gives us the details on the best tides and times at which most of the larger bass are being caught. We will see how things progress tonight and through this weekend.
Please click play below to listen.
I know fishermen don’t like to share there fishing spot but I would love to catch an albie or two. I’ve googled on where I can fish for them but no luck..
Albies move quick from one day to the next, but the guys who catch them from shore/kayak are usually fishing in Vineyard and Nantucket Sound.
Hop on Google Earth and you will see many parking areas and inlets with jetties along the southside of the Cape which are good places to target albies.
They have also been coming into the canal especially on the east tide. Check out this video from one of our members > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2PKr28XyYU
Were on the southside, I’ve fished hyannis harbor huge pod of poggies but no stripers with them, i also went to criagville beach an nothing off the beach, there were at least 2000 poggies at craigville bridge but no fish, any idears were to go on Southside tks
Awesome to hear about those pogies Jeff, thank you for the great intel.
I found some bass not far from you on Friday. I’m going to send you an email with some ideas.
How about the horseshoes sholes ? There’s almost always some good bass hanging around there, just out from Contuiet let me know, when I get back on the water next year , I’ll be glad to show ya some good spots, we’ll keep in touch !
On sept 30 went to the canal and caught a gator bluefish a summer flounder and a 3′ shark no bass but no bass i was useing squid
i wont give up
love the my fishing cape cod
Nice work on the bluefish and the flounder. Awesome.
Never give up! Still plenty of time left for stripers.
Great having you onboard MFCC as a supporting member John!
Kevin, I’ve been fishing for Stripe Bass for near 50 years, to me this is the best time of the year to hook on to a big one, and the outer cape is the place where one has the best chance, as I’m sure know. I have friends who think they know everything about catching, they go out on a charter one or two times a year, or Surf fish for them, I just smile an listen to them and let them think what they want. I had to stop for a while because of an illness but I’ll be out there next spring and fall(The Race), good Luck !
Awesome comment captain Ross, thank you!
It sure has been a good year for the Outer Cape.
Keep me posted when you head out this way again.