Humpback whales were once ruthlessly hunted off Cape Cod, but today they have returned in amazing numbers.
I filmed the video above a couple years ago during the summer in the general area of the Regal Sword. The Regal Sword is a sunken freighter that was built in Sweden back in 1961. It sunk in 1979 roughly 30 miles ESE of Chatham after colliding with another vessel.
The exact location of the vessel is unknown, therefore oil removal procedures have never been carried out, and there is a chance that oil from the ship could (or already has) leaked out into the ocean. The ship was carrying 3,000 tons of diesel oil. You can learn more about the shipwreck here.
Ironically the approximate location of the shipwreck (and the 3,000 tons of diesel oil) is in an area rich with marine life. When we were fishing here the bottom of the seafloor was "paved" with sand eels and bluefin tuna, and we spotted whales, dolphins, seals and sharks feeding the bounty of sand eels.
This footage originally aired during March of 2022 in season 5 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV. To watch full episodes of our tv show please visit
Tight lines! 🎣