August 15 2019

Bonito Are Here In Good Numbers | August 15th Podcast Report


Kevin Collins

Weekly Podcast Host

Welcome to another weekly episode of the 2019 My Fishing Cape Cod podcast. This week we are publishing the podcast a day early, because I am currently on my way to France! 

In today's episode we check-in with Ryan of MFCC as well as Evan of Eastman's Sport & Tackle. Sam of the Goose was unavailable on short notice, but Jeff from Canal Bait was able to relay me a report via text.

Please click here to download this podcast, or scroll below to learn more about what to expect.


Ryan Collins

MFCC Founder

We begin the show with Ryan who provides us with a recap on last week's podcast raffle and outstanding participation from listeners. Ryan also had an epic time onboard a Great White Shark viewing trip with Capt. Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters. Ryan has been catching Stripers from shore inside Cape Cod Bay, but the boat fishing remains slow (at least for big bass).

Evan Eastman

Eastman's Sport & Tackle

According to Evan Eastman of Eastman's Sport & Tackle in Falmouth, bonito have arrived in good numbers in the Falmouth, Woods Hole, Buzzards Bay, and Marthas Vineyard waters. Evan provides us with a full bonito report and how to properly target them & what you need to do to fool them. Evan reports good fishing for schoolie stripers in the Falmouth area, and also good fishing for tautog,  scup, and some bluefish as well.

Jeff Miller

Canal Bait & Tackle

Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle wasn't able to join us over the phone, but he still provided me with a full report on the Cape Cod Canal and also reminds us of the Massachusetts Tax Free Weekend which is coming up.

Sam Brown

The Goose Hummock

On such short notice this week wasn't able to connect with Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. We will hear from Sam again next week when we resume our normal Friday podcast schedule.

To listen to this week's podcast, please click play below ?

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