October 11 2015

All-Out Beach Blitz!


Garet Suomala is one of my best friends. Garet is a proud graduate of Project Forward at Cape Cod Community College and he recently started working at two different positions at 2 different jobs. Said another way, Garet is crushing it!

Garet and I began hanging out when I was 16, and since that time we have caught some nice striped bass. During one night trip Garet caught stripers up to 35 pounds. That was a memorable night!

However getting Garet into big fish from shore has proved to be much more difficult. ​Unlike fishing from a boat, surfcasting the beach requires long walks through soft sand, which is much more challenging for my buddy.


A Spectacular Morning

However today I am happy to report that this has all changed in a big way on the morning of this past Thursday October 8th. At 7:30am Garet and I stumbled upon an all-out beach blitz within short walking distance of our vehicle.

Click play below to see what happened, and for more information on how you can find a beach blitz right now on Cape Cod.​

*Please login or start a $1 trial to view the full version of the above video.

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

    • The exact location is a secret 😉 However there are some pretty good clues in that video.

      Feel free to start a topic in the forum (or send me a private message) and we can discuss some specifics.

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