
December 6, 2024

As colder weather settles into the region, I often find that I finally have time to sift through footage that I never got around to sharing during the busy summer season.  One such example happened this past season on the morning of September 14th.  Conditions were flat calm and the

A Mesmerizing School of Bass & Blue

September 15, 2024

This recipe was originally published in June of 2019. Late summer is a good time to find bluefish on Cape Cod, so we figured now would be the perfect time to re-publish this post.Raise your hand if you're one of the billion people who think bluefish taste oily, fishy and

If You Absolutely Despise Bluefish, This Recipe is For You.

August 4, 2024

Here’s something to wrap your head around – bluefish that tastes delicious!I’ve never been a big fan of bluefish. They have sharp teeth and oily, fishy, and worst of all blue meat, that makes them less than desirable (at least for me).For a long time, my husband Ryan and I have

I Never Liked Bluefish, Until I Tried This Simple Recipe

June 30, 2024

Ever since I was a little kid, I have heard anglers talking about smoking bluefish. I've eaten smoked bluefish before and I've always enjoyed it.However, it was not until the summer of 2020 that I finally tried smoking bluefish on my own. I'm happy to report that the results have

My First Experience Smoking Bluefish (and Our Smoked Bluefish Pâté Recipe)

June 5, 2024

“Gators.” “Choppers.” “Yellow-eyed devils.” These are all nicknames for one of the most aggressive inshore species to prowl New England's coastal waters: the bluefish!While striped bass often capture the hearts and attention of near shore anglers in the Northeast, it’s hard to ignore the impressive fighting capabilities of bluefish. Indeed,

The Top 10 Best Bluefish Lures

September 11, 2023

In this underwater video filmed last week on Cape Cod, a giant bluefin tuna of perhaps more than 500 pounds comes over to investigate a live-lined 34 inch bluefish, that I was slow trolling from my boat.For many years I have dreamt about capturing an underwater bite from a huge

This Giant Tuna ALMOST Ate My 34inch Bluefish!

September 4, 2023

Weather-wise it has been a pretty spectacular Labor Day Weekend and the beaches, boat ramps and restaurants have been packed with people!The Cape has been very busy with lots of folks enjoying the tail end of summer and trying to make the most of the sunny skies, warm temps, and

Labor Day Blues

August 31, 2023

It had been a while since I had been fishing in my Old Town Sportsman 106 pedal kayak. I got out a few times in the spring, but the consistent southwest winds quickly warmed up Nantucket Sound, and the night bite I wanted to fish from the kayak in the

September Bluefish Kayak Adventures in Cape Cod Bay

June 18, 2023

I'm not sure if I'm alone on this subject, but when the blues start to show up, my mind starts to scramble about all the ways I can cook it, so as not to taste the strong flavor and oiliness of blues. When prepared correctly, bluefish can make for a

Mediterranean Inspired Cape Cod Bluefish

June 11, 2023

Over the years on My Fishing Cape Cod we've asked members to share their favorite bluefish recipes, and the response has been great! Through the forum, email and blog post comments, I was able to create a bluefish recipes e-book, with tried and beloved bluefish recipes, shared by members and

Our Favorite Bluefish Recipes

May 27, 2023

In this video it's late May on Cape Cod and summertime is right around the corner. The days are long and the weather is warming up!In this episode we'll go fishing from shore and catch bluefish using pencil poppers and jigs.This video was filmed on June 4th 2021, and it

Catching Bluefish on Cape Cod from Shore!

September 30, 2021

Back on September 22 and 23 my dad and I encountered some great action with big bluefish by speed trolling with Magic Swimmers.Below is the full drone video which features all of the best bluefish bites. I hope you enjoy the footage and maybe learn something new!Best of luck and

Bluefish Attacking Magic Swimmer – The Best Bites Caught on Drone

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