September 24 2013

Buzzards Bay Fishing Report | Week of 9/24


Fall is here on Buzzard's Bay and the water is finally cooling off.

With large striped bass well over the 30 pound class on the move through the Bay, and schoolie stripers getting active in the estuaries, right now is a great time to be fishing Buzzard's Bay.

For example, a friend of mine called me yesterday to let me know that they had "accidentally" stumbled up on a school of 20 and 30 pound stripers, in 8 feet of water, while searching for schoolies. They put their 12 pound light tackle spinning setups to the test and managed to boat bass up to 32 pounds on small swimming plugs meant for 20 inch stripers and small bluefish.

Now that is a great surprise, and I expect there to be more surprises just like that reported throughout Buzzards Bay this coming week.

In this report we'll cover what's been happening in the Bay as well as what to expect over the next several days.

click here for full report

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