May 12 2015

Stripers Are Back In The Cape Cod Canal | May 12 Report


It's official, striped bass have moved into the Cape Cod Canal.

This is my first Cape Cod Canal fishing report of the 2015 season and I'm happy it contains some good news.

Read below for my full update.


The Canal Season Has Begun

Alright, here comes another great season for striped bass fishing at the Cape Cod Canal.

So far it has been mostly small bass in the Big Ditch, but there were a few fish caught over the weekend in the 28 - 34 inch range.

I feel that the warm weather of this past weekend helped to bring some of the first fish of the season into the Canal.

All sorts of different types of bait fish have also begun to appear.

Herring and mackerel have both been spotted in the Canal.

herring cape cod canal fishing report may 11

Photo credit Lauren Blacker, taken yesterday

mackerel cape cod canal fishing report may 11

Photo credit Ryan Collins (old photo)

At times the herring have been very thick. 

Check out this video of herring Ryan filmed while at the Canal yesterday morning, May 10th.​

Don't be surprised if you see several large seals feeding on the herring.

Squid are around as well, and are appearing at certain times in the Big Ditch.​

Photo credit Cullen Lundholm of CapeStar Charters

Sea herring, squid and mackerel are also in Cape Cod Bay. 

Barnstable Harbor produced some small stripers this past weekend, and most estuaries and inlets have at least a few schoolies.

Expect the fishing in these areas to improve over the next week to 10 days.

To sum it up the fish have most definitely arrived in Buzzard's Bay. The Cape Cod Canal is giving up schoolies and some small keepers for people who are logging in the hours. Bass are just starting to trickle into Cape Cod Bay and points north.

MFCC members can click below for 2 Google Earth images of areas where fish were taken this past weekend in the Canal.

Also included are 3 photos of lures that caught fish this weekend at the Ditch.

Member Downloads

2 Google Earth images of areas where fish were taken this weekend at the Canal

3 photos of lures that caught fish this weekend at the Cape Cod Canal

What do you think? Let us know by commenting below.

  • In Yarmouthport May 17. Would like to try the bay or canal. Can anybody clue me in on a time and place for this rookie?

    • Hey Scott! Did you happen to post about this in the forum as well? Probably get a quicker reply.

      In case you’re still in town, I would hit the Canal, use swimming plugs that look like a herring and just move around a lot. You’d have a fair chance at catching something right now for sure. Few fish up to 42” taken this weekend down there.

      High tide off any bay side jetty using a 1/2 ounce leaded and white curly tail grub is a good bet for schoolies right now. I would focus on the weed beds. Larger swimming plugs which imitate herring would be better for larger fish.

      Hope you found some life out there yesterday!

  • This is great news. Thanks Ryan and Jeff I will be hitting a few spots today. Love the blog and the reports.

  • Awsome report. Those surf pro swimmers are made by laurel at hull bait and tackle. They are a great swimmer, I’ve already caught keeper holdovers on them. Can’t wait to use them in the ditch

  • Seems like the fish are spreading out a little? That should go a long way towards thinning out the crowds and help everyone keep their cool. Be safe and be courteous everyone, it’s a long season.

  • Just a heads up to everyone. I was at #200 on Monday at about the same time using a Sebile and an SP Minnow. Without any hits I switched to a popper to see if I could aggravate a fish into going after it. Instead I attracted all three of the seals who were sitting just outside of the herring run. If they are around either go elsewhere or don’t use a popper.

  • hit Canal Monday @7:30 Am near Herring run caught a 26″ Bass on second cast but was face to face with a couple of big seals and that was the end. First fish of the season, yay baby!

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