May 9 2013

Cape Cod Canal Fishing Report | May 8


I would first like to say thank you for your patience yesterday while the MFCC website was down. Quite a few people emailed me letting me know that something was wrong, which was really great. We should be in the clear now, but of course if you find something that doesn't seem to be where it should be, please let me know. I appreciate all the help!

Yesterday morning I decided it was finally time for me to make my first early morning fishing trip to the Cape Cod Canal. I woke up to another morning of perfectly flat calm conditions and a little fog. At least for me, no wind and some fog are perfect conditions when it comes to fishing the Cape Cod Canal. My only hope was that the conditions would be perfect for the fish too.

I made a quick pit stop for an iced coffee and a corn muffin (good health food) and made my way to the Ditch. By 4:45AM I was on the rocks - it felt good to be back down there.

fishing the cape cod canal

Visibility was difficult to start, so difficult that I jumped the gun and assumed that the small whirlpool forming in front of me was actually caused by a fish. Fog can really fool with one's senses, especially when it is your first time fishing in the fog since last season.

I had high hopes for finding some action on this trip, especially after spending the day before fishing Cape Cod Bay. On Tuesday I learned that the Bay has a fair amount of life in it, in the form of Atlantic Mackerel. This is a great sign because mackerel will often wander in close to shore, often times right into the Canal. When this happens it usually attracts the attention of any striped bass in the vicinity.

Would I witness bass busting mackerel on the surface during this Canal fishing trip? Only time would tell, and for the moment I could barely see 10 feet in front of me. I started casting, patiently waiting with my ears wide open, hoping to hear a SLAP! or a good WHACK! somewhere off in the fog.

fishing report cape cod canal


Sound seems to travel extra easily in the fog. If there were bass breaking around me I knew I would hear it, especially with no wind to muffle the noise.  As I was retrieving one of my first few casts I heard a good "thud" which got my heart pounding, even though I immediately realized it was just another angler casting a plug - perhaps from the opposite side of the Canal.

Yet just before sunrise I heard a noise that was unmistakable.

I could not see the bass, but somewhere in the fog a decent size striper was chasing down something on the surface. The noise sounded like someone was repeatedly slapping one of those pool noodles against the surface of the Canal. Whack, whack, whack! The poor bait fish did not stand a chance.

I continued casting and a few moments later I heard the noise again, only this time much closer. I squinted, peering out into the fog bank in hopes of catching a glimpse of the action. Just on the edge of my field of vision I saw a decent fish absolutely hammering what I think was a tinker mackerel. The tinker hopped, skipped and jumped on the surface in an extraordinary effort to escape certain death.

I leaned back and fired a cast off into the fog, hoping to connect with my first Canal striper of the season.

click here for the full report


cape cod canal striper

cape cod fishing


  • Hey Ryan, my son and I went down to the Taunton River because he caught his first bass their. Anyway we didn’t catch anything but my son got some bites on a maroboo jig

    • Hi Krystian,

      The house I lived in until I was 3 months old (I know real long time lol) actually had the Taunton River running through the backyard. Do you know where Duffy Drive is by any chance? That’s the road.

      Glad to hear he at least got a few bites. I am sure he had fun. Before you know it he’ll be buying a boat and heading out for tuna.

  • Hi Ryan!
    My brother & I were at the Canal Wed morning, but didn’t get there until 5:30-ish… If ever a day promised “fish on”, that was it, like you said in your blog. Unfortunately, we didn’t see / hear any fish at all, even after trying every lure in our tackle boxes. We tried a few different places and anyone we encountered said “nothing…” I know we were just too late starting that day. We stopped by Herring Run & saw several very large schools of herring – great to see & hoping their recovery continues!! I know the bass are there…I just have to find them so I plan on heading back very soon, but earlier this time. Last thought – I was amazed at how clear the water was. Your post pics showing the bass swimming away in the clear,clean water were awesome. Keep up the great job!!

    • Hey Thomas,

      Good to hear from you. Wed. sure was a nice morning to be down there. I think in general it was pretty spotty. I think I just happened to be in area with some life.

      Awesome to know that you saw plenty of herring. It seems like the run has been pretty good this spring all throughout Cape Cod.

      Keep me posted on how you do the next time you give it a shot. Isn’t it amazing how clear that water is? I got a few more nice photos today which I’ll be posting in tomorrow’s fishing report so stay tuned.

      Thanks and keep in touch!

  • Ryan
    when I hit to continue report , i got that far, when i hit connect to full report i get your welcome page ?????? Dick

    • Hi Dick,

      Are you seeing the membership sign up page ?

      If you are, then that means you are not logged into the website. Try logging in by clicking on the blue button in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and then clicking on the link.

      Or, once you login, you will be greeted by the Login Welcome Page. Simply click on the Extended Reports bubble to access all of the extended fishing reports.

      Hopefully that does that trick. If not feel free to email me.


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