September 23 2016

Cape & Islands Fishing Report | September 23rd


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to this Friday's edition of the MFCC Podcast. This is your host Kevin Collins and it's a pleasure to be back with you for our 23rd straight week.

The largest striped bass we heard of this week was a whopping 57 pounder, and MFCC contributors have caught tuna up to 850 pounds.

As always we have an action packed show for you this week, and it looks like there is plenty of fishing potential for this weekend, despite a potentially stiff north wind.


In today's show we start things off with MFCC Creator Ryan Collins, who updates us on the Cape Cod manatee, and his fishing plans for this weekend.

With big bass lingering to the north and south of the Canal, it appears Ryan may be hitting the Cape Cod Bay and Buzzard's Bay beaches over the next few days. 

Next up is Goose Hummock Shop's very own captain Eric Stewart. According to Eric, the bluefin tuna bite is lights out in certain areas off Cape Cod.

No doubt the tuna fishing is red hot right now off Cape, but according to Eric the albies off the Outer Cape have also been feeding heavy.  Some of these schools of albies are the largest schools charter captains have ever seen.

We conclude with Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle who fills us in on the best tide recently at the Cape Cod Canal, and techniques which have been working.

This week the bite has happened at night as well as during the late morning and afternoon. The largest bass Jeff knows about is his whopping 57 pounder, and he's weighed in fish as large as 54 pounds.

Please click play below to listen.

Please join My Fishing Cape Cod to access the full 30 minute podcast.

I hope you all enjoy this week's podcast and have a fun weekend chasing fish. As always stay safe and best of luck.

Tight lines!


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